Saturday, July 15, 2017

Semana 1 - The First Days at the MTC

Hey y'all!!

It is your favorite Elder, Elder Tracy.

This week has been a crazy ride. But I had the time of my life here.

Let's see. On Wednesday, we got to the MTC and said good bye to my family. It was kinda rough but it wasn't that bad actually. I was whisked away to this bui,ding to get our tags and our packets and other stuff. And then I was shown to my classroom where the rest of my district was located and waiting. I met my district and his name is Elder Moser. He's the best, we are like the same person so our poor district has to deal with us hahaha. In our district we have 8 Elders and 2 Hermanas. We are going to california, mexico and Chicago. We are part of a pilot program for language learning where we on,y speak Spanish in the classroom and we are supposed to in our day to day activities. But we don't really hahaha. And we had a meeting with our mission presidents here and it was aweso,e they told all the new missionaries a bunch of awesome stuff about peace and comfort. And then we went to work. We have been drilling Spanish and speaking and pronouncing stuff. My two years if Spanish have been super helpful.

We have the best district. All the elders are so funny  and kind and loving. Elder Moser and I work really well together and we laugh at like everything. Once, at lunch, look at elder Moser and I'm like do you think I can fit this whole cookie in my mouth? And he just loses it and is like soothe Hermanas are having all these deep, intellectual conversations and we, the elders, are like so do you think I can fit this cookie in my mouth hahahahahahah I love our district.

The cafeteria is pretty good. There is a lot different options for us to eat and there is a lot of fresh fruits and veggies. I have been trying to eat healthy some more so it's a thing haha but it's been good no complaints there.

We are learning Spanish very quickly. We are getting really good at conversational Spanish and we can talk to each other all pretty well. We still need some work on the gospel topics yet we are getting there. We are actually making the other elders in our zone mad because we can speak Spanish pretty well after only three days and they are better than us still yet we are quickly gaining. We can intruduce our selves, pray and testify of basic doctrine in Spanish already!

Yesterday we got the opportunity to finally work out and it was the greatest ever. We ran about a mile and then we got to play volleyball with the other missionaries here. It was great to exersize.

Oh and another fun thing, I was made district leader here. So that means that mi compaƱero, Elder Moser and i are in charge of the 8 other missionariesmjn the disrtict. It was an assignment made by the branch president and his counselors. So in effect God called me to this position as well.

In summary, everything here rocks. The days are hot, long and hard, butbtheg are the the greatest days I've had. I am picking up the language fairly well and I help the other Elders in my district who aren't. I get enough sleep, I exercise, I'm trying to eat and drink better and more regularly. I am not homesick very much at all. We are focused on our work. I am happy. Things are simply great.

As I've considered leaving my home and my friends and the life I knew before, I'm reminded of a quote I found once. Joseph Young once wrote concerning the Saints of the church leaving Nauvoo. He said "We must not look back, but placing our faith in God, we must leave our destiny in his hands."

I love all of you and hope all is well.

As always,

Elder Tracy

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