Monday, September 17, 2018

Second Summer

HEY Everyone!

This was another awesome week here with Elder Fry in Arlington Heights! I honestly don't remember too much of what happened it was a blur this week haha

But we had a baptism this week! We got to help Allison get baptized! She comes from a less active part member family and she's 8 years old, super smart and super sweet! She gave her testimony after she was baptised and it was the sweetest few sentences I've ever heard! She said that God makes her heart happy and how now she can have him in her heart forever! So cute.

We also went on exchanges this week! I got to go with my HOMIE Elder English to his area in Bloomingdale and we had a great time! I got to meet Hermana Teresa who is the homiest lady ever and Bernabe their recent convert! We also got to meet their super cool new Ward Mission Leader and it was really cool! We talked to this man named Alfredo and he was not happy to see us and we lowkey got pretty heated in our conversation. I even invited him to be baptized and he just said no. Upon asking him why he just said no. It was really fun! We also got to randomly see the Assistants! It was a very long day but we had a blast! Good times.

We also got to visit this one family that randomly started to come church again and they are super cool! They have a son who served with my sister Allison's trainer in Denver! It was super cool! Because we are already tight then we sent them to our families and it was awesome! We also got to set up a tent!

I am honestly loving being a District Leader! I get to serve other people and help others come closer to Christ by learning to teach the same tk other people! I've also had a lot to pray about and for here recently and it's been really a great experience! I've learned to receive revelation and it has been coming more and more easily and it's been very spiritual and uplifting to be able to truly become inspired over something so trivial as a District Meeting. It's been a really humbling and great experience. Furthermore, we are starting this thing called a 40 Day Fast and we give up the little things that we know we are doing wrong and see how much of a difference it makes! I'm super excited to see how much I can grow in these next 39 days!

Things here are awesome! I love you all and I love the Gospel and I hope you all have a great week! Let me know how you're doing at

As always,

Elder Tracy

We enptied our vacuum and Elder Fry is like it's a baby! And so we had a baby
A dog peed on my foot haha
We took an older Hermano with us and he can't see well so to read the scriptures he uses his "chalupa"
The Baptism!
The Homies picture send tk the family!
Our investigator José gave us toothpaste and brushes and it was awesome!

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