Monday, September 10, 2018

There Must Needs Be an Opposition in All Things

Hey Everyone!

It's Elder Tracy here and you're tuning in for yet another report on a great week in Arlington Heights ft. Elder Fry! But this week was awesome we had a lot of cool things happen! To start off the week, last Monday was our ward party! And we went to this park in Roselle and we ate a bunch of food and we played soccer and basketball and it was super fun! Our recent converts German and Lorena
came too and they got to spend time with all the members! It was awesome!

But this week we got in with some super homie members who fed us a bunch of food and they also spoke English!! It's weird here in the Burbs a lot more people only speak Spanish and so weve been speaking it a bunch more and it's awesome! But it was really fun to be able to have like regular conversations with people in English again it's something small but the lord works in small and simple ways right? So it's something I've come to love, looking for the small blessings in live because if you're always looking for the big oenz, you'll never see them! We also got to hpbthrow a su prize birthday party for Obispo this week and he is an awesome Biship he is always super down to come out and help us teach and he's super nice to us and it makes me happy! But he got cake in his face because that's just how Mexicans roll if you know what I mean.

We also had a really cool week with some of the people we are teaching! One of them is Daisy! We were able to out her on date for baptism for the 13th of October! We are super excited for her! We also brought the primary president to a quick meeting with Daisy (because daisy has like 4 kids under the age of 9) and she was super excited to come to chruch with us. But after Tuesday we lost contact with her and it was really sad! And then she didn't come to chruch either! We also have found some awesome people here recently and they show so much promise and then they just kind of dissapate into thin air. It's sometimes a little frustrating. But if I've learned anything, it'd that there certainly is an Opposition in All things. Our mission president said that we had an awesome month for baptisms and we've seen a bunch of success, but now thigns are going to struggle here for a little. In 2 Nephi chapter 2 in the book of mormon, we learn about this principle in depth. We can't truly know how happy we are of have been unless we also have times of trouble to accompany it. The stark difference between the two help us appreciate one more than the other. I'm super glad for these trials I have right now with the people we are teaching, it's keeps me humble and I have to remember that I have to trust in the Lord and stuff works out! And it will all work out I believe. So I have no worries here but neither should yall! I'm happy and safe (well I try to be) and it's awesome!

I love you all and I hope that everything goes well for you all each and every day! I hope this week keeps yall feeling blessed every day!

As always,

Elder Tracy

A Golden Missionary Spanish Même is found for yall
We stumbled upon this giant nexican party the other day and it was intense and the music was literally deafening
Here is the party we had with obispo and it was pretty much the best thing ever

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