Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Gurnee 333333333

Hey everone!!

These last two weeks have been crazy honestly. So some catching up to do. So we recieved your transfer calls and I was finally out of Naperville in style. We dipped and I got to say good bye to elder lewis. kinda sad. I love that kid. But I also got to see some of my homies at transfers like Elder Silva, Elder Lytle, Elder Sharpe and all the other homies from back in the day. I met Elder Monja and he is awesome.

Elder monja is a HOMIE. He is a legend from PerĂº and he is super funny. We have a super good time together. at first being in this area was kinda hard because Elder English (the one that was here before me) is a legend and he is a super awesome guy and the people here loved him to death. And when I got here I just kinda felt not as cool and I felt like I was filling some shoes that were wayyyyy too big. However, as time has gone by, I'm feeling much more comfortable in my Spanish and also my self esteem aha so I'm back at it in Spanish wards and it's AWESOME.

We have been meeting some homies out here and we are working hard ot help a huge family get married so that they can get baptised here soon and it's like trying to push a shopping cart full of briks through a parking lot of wet concrete. It's been a challenge to get them to make it there but we are helping there slowly. They are super homies. Patricia, eduardo, Dioseline, Jose and all the like 10 children these two people have. They are the cutest family and we are heloing them find more happiness.

This past week we saw some miracles because we had 16 PEOPLE COME TO CHURCH AND IT WAS CRAZY. (I had to play the piano for this ward because they are the Hispanics) This one miracle family that we are teaching came and it was super awesome because they oved it. The Avilez Family are the homies.

Also this week I had my interview with President Bingham and it was probably the greatest interview I've ever had. we talked a lot about the future and my life here after. since I extended my mission, he will go home before me and so It will be sad to see him go and such but it's part of life. But he gave me a bunch of advice regarding finish my mission, school and careers, marriage and family and much much more. It was a great time there. at the end he prayed. It was the first time I had ever heard him pray. It was fantastic. He is such a good man of God and I want to be like him some day.

The last few months, I've really noticed a change in myself. I personally love reading in the scriptures. The Bible and the book of Mormon and the other resources that we have as missionaries are awesome. I am always filled with feelings of the upward pull that leads to bettering myself through the Enabling Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, or his sacrifice. It is awesome to see how much better I have become. How much more I love the scriptures and the gospel. I have been able to teach and testify without doubting because now I know the things I am saying.

As Always,

Elder Tracy

Here is a couple of pictures from the good old days.

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