Monday, June 24, 2019



This week was a great week out here in Gurnee 3!!! sorry I haven't been super good about sending these emails recently. I've been super super busy on our preparation days and it's been super super fun for us out here.

But this week was super great. We have been working with a ton of super sueor awesome people and it's been super good. I've been learning a ton of Spanish and its been awesome. I have been perfecting it slowly but surely I'm learning more and more. I have lived being with Elder monja we have been having a ton of fun and we've been working super hard and serving a ton of people.

Also this week, since I am going to be finishing up here sson, we got to go to the TEMPLE!! It was probably one of the best days of my mission. I just love going there especially because I, being a missionary, I don't get to go to the temple often. It was great because it was also a time in which I got to see some of my old friends from my mission, like Elder Anderson, Elder wright, Elder English and so many good people. It was good to be there. I love to see the temple.

This week we also got transfers, we got the information that Elder Monja is leaving the area here in Gurnee 3 after 6 months and is going to Bloomingdale 2! But I'm staying here for my last transfer and I am receiving Elder Vargas from Spain and we will be ZONE LEADERS over the Buffalo Grove and Schaumburg!!! It is going to be a willllld time out there. I am super super excited for the change and this new opportunity to serve in another capacity as a missionary.

Things are happening out here for me I guess. I love this experience I have had to serve others as a representivie of Jesus Christ. I'm happy to serve and continue to further my language abilities and my understanding of the scriptures.  I love the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

as always

Elder Tracy

Monday, June 17, 2019

2 weeks again...

HEY Everyone!

So sorry I didn't send out an email last week! I just wasn't feeling it! We are always super busy here in Gurnee and I love it so much! So a little catch up to do for you al!

So this last week was fastastic. We had ZONE conference and it was amazing! It was President Bingham last zone conference and it was super good to hear all the insights he had for us. I love that man haha he is super good at being a Mission Presidnet. but we talked about so many super good things, from unity, to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to the Premortal realm and foreordenation. It was probably among one of the greatest things I have ever seen on my mission. President Bingham had a lot of departing things to say before he left. I cried. I will admit it. I was super touched by the fact that he tod us that he isn't the best but he is definately trying, and I also thought about how much I have changed on my mission and also the person I am trying to become and also how my Savior would be proud of the work I am doing: spreading the truth of His one and only true and living, restored church on the earth today.

Things here in Waukegan are awesome. We are working with a ton of people who are preparing ot be baptised here soon! We cover several major towns here in the north of Chicago: Waukegan, Gurnee, Zion, Grayslake, Round Lake, Round Lake Beach, Lake Villa and many more. But there are only hispanish people in like three of those cities. So we hit a lot of these place everyday and it is crazy.

We do a ton of teaching and it is the best. We are teaching some people that really need yalls prayers! The Avilez family are a family from Mexico and they are wanting to learn more and learn for themselves and come to church but so many other things get in the way. It is rough for them and for us for that reason. There is a guy we are working with named Jesus (but he goes by Chuy) and his mom is not being super cooperative with us right now.

also Ps sorryto all you who sent me a birhtdya email, I am super sorry I haven't gotten around to those yet. It has been waaaayyyy too busy.

Hey but everyone, I super love everything out here. The Spanish is flowing Form my mouth Ike none other. The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is flowing in and out of my soul like none other. I love this gospel. I love Jesus Christ and the fact that we loved all of us to give his life for every single one of us in an infinite and eternal manner in order to bring ot pass the salvation of all mankind. The Book of Mormon is true.

as always,

Elder Tracy

We Ate Lunch Out of the back of the truck in the garage of a member because it was raining and her son wasn't home so we ate outside in the garage and it was super fun haha

Monday, June 3, 2019


Hello everyone!! This was an awesome week!!!

Everything was great this week! So many things happened! We visited  TON OF PEOPLE and it was great. I honestly don't remember what happened this week but that's okay.

We did a lot of service this week and it was great!!! We mowed like 6 lawns randomly and it was awesome. We got super dirty and super sweaty but that's all good in the hood . We met so many homies and it was awesome. I got to use so many tools in a variety of ways and move a ton of heavy stuff through out the week. It's super fun here. We usually do our studies and then we are out the door until super late at night and we come home tired, we read a little in the scriptures and then we hit the hay immediately after. We are always pooped.

We also met with a legendary family this week and it was super chevere. We met with them like three times and it was super good because first, we called them and we were like where yall at? Walmart they responded and so we asked : can we meet you there? and so we went and talked with them there and then went back to their house and taught a bomb plan of salvation lesson with them and then two days later we taught them the gospel of Jesus chrust and then they were feeling it!! we put them on date and it was AWEOMSE. they accepted it and it was great. It was great. so great.

We are also working a ton with some legends from Michoacan and they are the best because they are super funny and their children are also awesome and it's super cool to see them and help them come nto churst. although, we can't seem to get them to get married so then they can fully repent before baptism. it's frustrating a veces but it's super chevere porque así son ellos.

So but I've been only speaking Spanish with Elder Monja and I have been learning a ton again and it's awesome because it's the best language. I've been really diving into my studies this week and I found some great jems and it was a great time.

ALL things are good out here and we are super happy to be working in the Vinyard of the lord.

As always
Elder Tracy

A jem in waukegeen
Elder Monja and I found a member with a leaf blower and I got destroyed haha