Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Fleece Navi dog!

Feliz Navidad, mis mejores amigos y familiares! Como estais? Espero que vuestra navidad fuera perfecto.

Well, our Christmas season and this week was awesome. We had some good times and experiences as we went about doing our thing. But an awesome experience we had though was while we were doing some street contacting, we stopped this lady who liked like a nice person. We stopped her and we began talking to her and soon she told us about how she's kinda  had a hard life recently, and then Elder Osorio began to testify. He started telling her about how God is always here and always aware of our suffering and pains. But that was why God sent Jesus Christ to help us with these problems. As he was doing this, this woman began to cry and it was super touching for me. So we made a lady cry this week. But good cry.

Also fun thing happened this week, it was Christmas.
On Christmas Eve, we went and did service as a zone and it was super fun we got to pack food for those in need. It was super fun to help people out and see what we can do for them. We then came outside and it was Snowing it was awesome the 8 elders we had together we had a snowball fight in the parking lot and it was awesome. And then we were super late to church and that was a little awkward but it was super good. And then we ate some super good food with some members throughout the day and we had tacos de Lengua and it was interesting. We had to cut the tongue ourselves it was kinda nasty. And on Christmas itself we did a bunch of stop bys and it was super good. We knocked on this super less actives door and he let us in and we had a really good conversation with him and his son it was a blessing from God. We have been trying to meet him for a long time and we have stopped by a lot and it was the first time. #quebendicion

But I think the icing on the cake was getting to talk to talk to my family for about 40 minutes. It was easily the fastest 40 minutes of my life. But it was really wonderful to talk to them and see how they are doing and how they the best people ever. I love them. Also, the greatest thing about this time is the opportunity we have to remember Jesus Christ and how wonderful he is and all that he has done for us. I love Jesus Christ and I am so happy to be a representative of him and of his church. I love the gospel and I love my lord and savior.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here is me cutting some lengua 
We made some snow angels
I forgot to mention that we went to the temple and it was a super great time and I love the temple so much. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

We might have broken a commandment

De cierto, de cierto os digo, que aconteció que esta semana era super bien

But really this week was awesome. I loved it so much it was glorious haha. But so many wonderful things happened. First off, Elder Osorio and I are staying together another transfer! We didn't get a transfer call last night os that means we are chilling for another 7 weeks in Chi 2 super pumped. Another awesome thing was that this week, we got a lot of good work done. We found so many people with really good potential and I'm super excited to see where this takes us! But we found a bunch of really cool people who have a bunch of potential. Also, Elder Osorio have been working super well together this week. During planning, and companionship study, we are just doing well and I'm feeling the spirit so much more and stronger and it's awesome. I love it.

One of our homies in the ward Armando, he took the elders out to burger King and he had these coupons that got us so much good food and it was amazing. We each eat like three burgers and we had food to spare! It was awesome. We took a picture and Elder Morse looked really funny in it and so we then took a photo to make fun of it and it was probably one of the greatest things ever. Later in the week we were riding through this town square of a place and they had a bunch of Christmas lights up. And it was super cool so we stopped and got some wonderful photos of them hahaha Also my boy Elder English got in a bike incident and he may or may not be low-key dying haha but these last couple of days he has been a little out of it and it's super funny to see what he is saying from time to time.

 By now you may be wondering what the subject line means. Well you see, our investigator, Betty, invited us over on the 12th on Tuesday. She told us that her family was gonna be there and that she would give us food. So we said OK. We get there and we sit down and talk with some of her friends for a minute or so and then everyone else comes into the room. And we are just like oh no somethings gonna happen. And then they turn to this giant photo of the virgin Guadalupe and then they started praying in Spanish as the catholics do. And then 45 minutes later, they ended and Elder Osorio and I,  being the little mormon boys we are, were super confused. So we ate some dank tamales and then we spilt.  So that's the story of how we low key worshiped idols and thus broke one of the ten commandments.

Also, I just found out recently that my grandpa, who has been suffering with ALS, or Lou Gherigs Disease, for a considerable amount of time, finally passed away this weekend. This isn't coming as a suprise to us, but it's something hard regardless. But I have taken comfort and solace in the fact that he really is in a better place. He was able to leave his disease ridden body and move one step closer to the perfected body he will inherit in the next life. I know I'll see my grandpa again. I know ill be able to talk to him again. I know he is happier than he could have ever been in this life. The plan of salvation is important and it has never played a bigger part in my life than right now. I am so glad that I have always had this knowledge of life after death. I love all of you. I hope that this letter finds you well, and if you've made it this far in my email, that yall are happy. Have a good week. Remember the reason for the season.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here we are at burger King with Armando
The after photo of Elder Morses beauty
Here we are at Betty's house where she gave us these Buñelos which is like a funnel cake that is as thin as a piece of paper. It's a giant frosted flake haha
I found this giant ice blob on the side of a house and it was super cool to me so here you are. 
Here are some Christmas lights we found

Monday, December 11, 2017

It's Cold, yall.

Hello my friends and family and all the rest of you who receive these emails!

I sincerely hope that you have had a good week and that everything has been good for you out and about in the real world and stuff.

Well things here are been pretty good. This week was actually super eventful! Which is a good change and a good thing for a missionary. We had zone conference this week and I was blown away by President Bingham. That man is a wizard with the scriptures. He knows them better than himself. It's amazing to be in the presence of that man. But he showed us this slideshow of all the baptisms we had through the past month. It was amazing and after the show ended, he asked if we had counted them, and we responded obviously not we wanted to see how happy these people were for making this change in their lives. He said that if we were counting, then we would have gotten 23. Our goal for that past month was 22 and the all time record we had had as a mission in the past years was 21. So we blew that record out of the water and I think that it's awesome that we were able to do so much of the Lords work in one month.

Elder English and I went on exchanges in the Cicero area of our ward and it was awesome. Let me just say my goodness it was the greatest 24 hours of my life. We are such good friends and I low key hope that we get to be companions someday in the future. Some of our highlights include having the best companionship study ever, playing basketball with a bunch of 13 year old niños, and hitting up Walmart for some milk and McDonald's for dinner. It was the greatest time ever. We also had to bike over Satans Bridge 6 times. It was the worst. But it was a jam.

It's also been super heckin cold. It snowed the other day. SNOW IN THE SKY SNOW ON THE GROUND. I WAS NOT LISTO FOR THIS. But it was awesome I haven't seen snow for a fat minute and it was glorious. We also bought bus passes and let me tell you, bussing is the greatest. You stand on the sidewalk by some random pole and then this giant rectangular thing stops in front of you. You then enter the rectangle and it takes you places. You then exit the rectangle and then you are where you want to be. It was awesome. But it's cold so standing on the sidewalk is hardest part.

Funny story. Elder English, my homie, was trying to do this thing called a fixie slide where you lock your back tire and then you slide. But it was a little snowy then and this man eat it and it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. He was on his bike and then he was laying on the ground face down. It was awesome haha

But yeas everyone who has made it this far, I'm proud of you. I appreciate you. I hope you have a wonderful week and that you all try to #lighttheworld this season!

As always,

Elder Tracy

I found this cool view of downtown one day
Elder English and I chilling in a meeting
Here's some snow!
Our district took pictures and here's just a little hint

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Light at the End

Buenos días mis amigos y familiares! Como han estado?

Well, I am Elder Tracy and I like to speak Spanish (but it's low key hard sometimes but it's awesome I love it.)

Anyway, I'm sure yall are wondering about how my week went and I'm here to tell ya how it went. Well it started out wonderful actually. We had a really good lesson with a former investigator named Roberto and it was awesome. He told us a lot about his life and how he wanted to increase his faith in Christ. Elder Osorio and I told him that we can help him with that haha We also had new missionary training on Thursday which was awesome. We went to the new Clark Street Building in Downtown and it was amazing. I highly recommend yall look this building up on Google it is impressive to behold. But President Bingham told us a lot of awesome things and we had a bunch of awesome insights. But one thing the trainers were told (I'm a trainer incase yall didn't know) was that God put us here to train. He trusts us with our new missionaries to do the best we can. And that was super comforting to me.

But the rest of this week was not the greatest. We had three investigator lessons cancel at the last minute and several of the Less Active Families we had made appointments with either canceled or simply weren't home. So we didn't have much success there. And since it's getting colder, fewer people are outside and so we have been doing some door knocking. A lot of it actually. And we knocked doors and very few people even opened their door. Let alone were interested in what we had to say. But despite all these hard times we are having, there is always hope. A hope for a better day and a better week. In the Book of Mormon, there's a scripture that talks about how we should handle hard times. In Alma, Chapter 34, verse 41, we read, But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions. How wonderful is that? How peaceful is that? We will receive rest from our afflictions and hard times one day. But we must first have that hope, and that faith, that everything will be better. But it's important to remember what the Prophet Moroni tells us in Ether 12, wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. We can receive that rest and that peace that we seek, and the success too, but only after the trial of our faith. We must first act on the faith we have. Then, and only then, will we receive what we seek. I know that while we had one rough week, that the next week will be better and I will find what success I'm looking for. I have the faith and the hope of such things. I want to leave yall with my short testimony of what I know. While I may be young and I don't know everything, but I do know one thing: I know that what I have to share with the people here is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and came through a called, living Prophet named Joseph Smith. I also know that Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. That by him and through him, we may be saved and find the peace and abilities we need. I also know that our families can be together forever, that regardless of what happens to me or my family, I know that I will be able to live with them after this life and always be happy.

Sorry this email wasn't super entertaining to read but I just want to express how happy I truly am. I love being here, teaching the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to all those who will listen. I love it. I am happy and I'm glad I made this choice to come here. I love all of you and I thank you for your prayers and your Christmas cards and wishes! Yall are homies!

As always,

Elder Tracy

So this week I got a hair cut from my boy Elder English and he hooked me up. I think it looks great so there's a before and after and a also got one with my boy Elder Inglés
Since it's Christmas, we left sad without a tree so I made a tree is thing out of cardboard to help with the Christmas spirit.
I also found this bad boy at our church building. I'll just leave it there...
Elder Seth Tracy
800 Waukegan Rd Ste 203
Glenview,  IL 60025