Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Fleece Navi dog!

Feliz Navidad, mis mejores amigos y familiares! Como estais? Espero que vuestra navidad fuera perfecto.

Well, our Christmas season and this week was awesome. We had some good times and experiences as we went about doing our thing. But an awesome experience we had though was while we were doing some street contacting, we stopped this lady who liked like a nice person. We stopped her and we began talking to her and soon she told us about how she's kinda  had a hard life recently, and then Elder Osorio began to testify. He started telling her about how God is always here and always aware of our suffering and pains. But that was why God sent Jesus Christ to help us with these problems. As he was doing this, this woman began to cry and it was super touching for me. So we made a lady cry this week. But good cry.

Also fun thing happened this week, it was Christmas.
On Christmas Eve, we went and did service as a zone and it was super fun we got to pack food for those in need. It was super fun to help people out and see what we can do for them. We then came outside and it was Snowing it was awesome the 8 elders we had together we had a snowball fight in the parking lot and it was awesome. And then we were super late to church and that was a little awkward but it was super good. And then we ate some super good food with some members throughout the day and we had tacos de Lengua and it was interesting. We had to cut the tongue ourselves it was kinda nasty. And on Christmas itself we did a bunch of stop bys and it was super good. We knocked on this super less actives door and he let us in and we had a really good conversation with him and his son it was a blessing from God. We have been trying to meet him for a long time and we have stopped by a lot and it was the first time. #quebendicion

But I think the icing on the cake was getting to talk to talk to my family for about 40 minutes. It was easily the fastest 40 minutes of my life. But it was really wonderful to talk to them and see how they are doing and how they the best people ever. I love them. Also, the greatest thing about this time is the opportunity we have to remember Jesus Christ and how wonderful he is and all that he has done for us. I love Jesus Christ and I am so happy to be a representative of him and of his church. I love the gospel and I love my lord and savior.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here is me cutting some lengua 
We made some snow angels
I forgot to mention that we went to the temple and it was a super great time and I love the temple so much. 

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