Monday, December 11, 2017

It's Cold, yall.

Hello my friends and family and all the rest of you who receive these emails!

I sincerely hope that you have had a good week and that everything has been good for you out and about in the real world and stuff.

Well things here are been pretty good. This week was actually super eventful! Which is a good change and a good thing for a missionary. We had zone conference this week and I was blown away by President Bingham. That man is a wizard with the scriptures. He knows them better than himself. It's amazing to be in the presence of that man. But he showed us this slideshow of all the baptisms we had through the past month. It was amazing and after the show ended, he asked if we had counted them, and we responded obviously not we wanted to see how happy these people were for making this change in their lives. He said that if we were counting, then we would have gotten 23. Our goal for that past month was 22 and the all time record we had had as a mission in the past years was 21. So we blew that record out of the water and I think that it's awesome that we were able to do so much of the Lords work in one month.

Elder English and I went on exchanges in the Cicero area of our ward and it was awesome. Let me just say my goodness it was the greatest 24 hours of my life. We are such good friends and I low key hope that we get to be companions someday in the future. Some of our highlights include having the best companionship study ever, playing basketball with a bunch of 13 year old niƱos, and hitting up Walmart for some milk and McDonald's for dinner. It was the greatest time ever. We also had to bike over Satans Bridge 6 times. It was the worst. But it was a jam.

It's also been super heckin cold. It snowed the other day. SNOW IN THE SKY SNOW ON THE GROUND. I WAS NOT LISTO FOR THIS. But it was awesome I haven't seen snow for a fat minute and it was glorious. We also bought bus passes and let me tell you, bussing is the greatest. You stand on the sidewalk by some random pole and then this giant rectangular thing stops in front of you. You then enter the rectangle and it takes you places. You then exit the rectangle and then you are where you want to be. It was awesome. But it's cold so standing on the sidewalk is hardest part.

Funny story. Elder English, my homie, was trying to do this thing called a fixie slide where you lock your back tire and then you slide. But it was a little snowy then and this man eat it and it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. He was on his bike and then he was laying on the ground face down. It was awesome haha

But yeas everyone who has made it this far, I'm proud of you. I appreciate you. I hope you have a wonderful week and that you all try to #lighttheworld this season!

As always,

Elder Tracy

I found this cool view of downtown one day
Elder English and I chilling in a meeting
Here's some snow!
Our district took pictures and here's just a little hint

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