Monday, December 10, 2018


Hey Everyone!!

This was an awesome week! We had a lot of awesome things happen! Also time is flying out here bros but here we are!

To start, Elder Anderson and I have been working super hard to make things happen this week and it was amazing! For example we got to meet with my boy Nahu and he's always so busy but he was able to squeeze in some time for us (Because he is in college and is working a full time job so he's a busy guy) but he is the man that we met in the library about two weeks ago. But we were able to put him on date for the 5th of January! We are super duper excited for him!

I think on Tuesday we had probably one of my favorite days! We got to meet with Nahu that day and we also worked super super hard that day! and the Lord looked down on us with mercy and we literally saw two miracles! It was the greatest! As we knocked the last building in an apartment complex, we were reaching the last floor, we knock the second to last door, and the door opens, and it's a white guy and we start in and all the sudden he says no English man, so we switch to Spanish and turns out he is from Puerto Rico and he is super interested in the church and his wife too! They are named Dennis and Gloria if you all would like to pray for them! They are so cool and we were able to meet with the, twice this week! After that, we went to this one family in our ward and they have a Polish Roommate and she is really nice and she made us food because we are always going to the Gutierrez house on tuesday! and because she made us food we asker her if we could share a video with her too! She said yes, and using the power of technology and the awesome reach of the church, we had a Polish version the "Because of Him" Video and it was a beautiful moment for all of us. None of us understand Polish but we could also feel the power of the Spirit testifying to her about it all! It was a very tierno experience.

We also had Zone Conference this week! President Bingham is awesome. He is so inspired and it was a very nice training he gave. he asked us to study the characters in the Bible and the Book of Mormon regarding the Birth of Jesus and also what the Prophets from these books had to say about it. It was a very interesting experience all in all. I learned a lot and I definitely had a growth in love for the Savior and His Birth. Elder Anderson and I, siendo the Zone Leaders we are, we got to give our first Zone Conference training in Spanish! It was super fun! It didn't go as planned, but it was still awesome!

This week we also found this one man named Mario on Friday and he said we could come back on Saturday and we go back and this man was slammed drunk with all his buddies and they invited us in and we had probably my favorite lesson ever hahaha they were so gone but we had a funny time just talking to them all! Really it was my first time around people drinking and it was funny hahah but definitely something I don't want to do. (Thanks Word of Wisdom)

On Sunday Nights we have e meeting with the District Leaders and so we usually just Facebook Messenger Video Chat with them all, but this time we didn't have wifi and we don't have the miles this month to go back to the church, so we decided to try and snag the wifi from the McDonald's down the street right before and so we circled this McDonald's for like 10 minutes just trying to get a wifi connection strong enough to make a video call so we could talk to these people hahah but we weren't able to... so we made a conference call on the phones and it was a wild one haha but just think about it yall: we would have made a meeting outside a McDonald's in the freezing cold on Videochat using the free wifi hahah we laughed about that for a good minute haha

We have just been working hard and been loving the work at the same time! The Church is True and the Book of Mormon is more of the Word of God and that as we read the words contained there then we can find more happiness! Also try to Light the World this Christmas Season! or in Spanish

As Always ,

Elder Tracy

We took a Spanish Zone Selife in Zone Conference (Minus Elder Peterson and Vargas (rip))
Elder Anderson had some Sunday boots now and they are amazing haha
MLC we got to see the new Mission Home and then we took a picture there with everyone!
We made some dank tacos with the food we found in our fridge
we found a lit sign out knocking in some apartments

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