Monday, December 31, 2018

Ya se me acaba el año blanco

Hey Everyone!

It's been a good week out here in Arlington Heights with my boy Elder Anderson! We have been working crazy hard. It's been a blast. Really I only have to talk about a couple of days this week considering we last spoke on Wednesday due to the the change in days!

But this week was a we e we were able tk find a bunch of people to teach and we were also able to visit some people this week and weekend and it was awesome! We found this one family last week, la Familia Soliz and they are homies. We also have been working ING with this one guy named José and he is a legend. He is super solid actually! We are also still working with Mary! She is a awesome person! She came to church this week which always awesome! (she showed up about 40 minutes late, but she came!) She son Angel is wild haha he is like 4 and he never sits still for more than about 1.2 seconds! He is hilarious honestly!

We also had an interesting lesson with our friend Nahu. He is a good guy, but he got into researching the Book of Mormon on the internet and he found a bunch of anti-mormon (I know we aren't supposed to say that anymore haha) literature and he tried to make it a big deal to us and try and tear our beliefs down, telling us that we've been lied to the whole time and that we need to study better. But Elder Anderson, being the savage he is, looks him straight in the eye and says "I have been a missionary, talking with people like you for more than a year. Do you really think you're the first person to tell me these things? I know what I know and nothing can change that" Nahu didn't seem to get who we was talking to, Two seasoned spiritual war veterans, and it was a lost battle for him at that point. He's a legend haha

But as the title says, my white out year is ending. 2018 was a full year that I dedicated to the service of my God. It will have officially ended tonight. It has caused me to reflect a lot on who I am, where I've come from and how much further I can go! I've gone from kinda speaking Spanish, to being able to really talk with anyone. I've gone from knowing the basic doctrine of the restored Chruch of Jesus Christ to truly knowing where it all come from in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I've gone from a lost missionary training another in the city, to a far more competent and hard working Zone Leader. Truly this is the purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: to change and become more of the person that my Heavenly Father desires me to be. I've gone from believing to knowing. I've gone from 18 to 19. Change is the essence of Repentance. It's all true. The Book of Mormon, Priesthood Power and Authority, Miracles, The Atonement of Jesus Christ, all of it. 100% true. I couldn't ever deny this, nor will I. I feel as though my life's desire currently is best described as in the Book Of Mormon in 2 Nephi 26:33. Look it up at and if you want to know it's true like I do, do what this verse says in Moroni 10, verses 4 and 5:

If you have questions let me know on Messenger

Love you all and I hope you all have a fantastic start of 2019! See you all soon!

As always
Elder Tracy

Obispos house with the other elders
A awesome truck we found
A good Sunday selfie haha
We found this lit house

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