Monday, December 17, 2018


Howdy yall!

It's your boy Elder Tracy and you're all tuned in for another exciting week in the great Chicagoland with the Tales of Elder Tracy and Anderson!

But this week was wild busy. We worked super hard all the time and we saw some miracles. For Example, we were able to get in with that awesome couple Dennis and Gloria and they are so awesome! They accepted a Baptismal Date for the next couple of weeks! We just need to get them to church! We also had some awesome experiences with them and we taught them a super powerful lesson!

This week Obispo Belmont called us and asked if we could visit a "friend of his" to help him with some addiction problems. So we said sure and we went and it turned out to be the father and husband of this one family in the ward who is not a member of the church but wants to keep make a change in his lafe after hitting almost rock bottom. We taught him Tuesdat, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday this week and he is progressing a lot! Pray for Armando please!

We got to go on exchanges with the Assistants to the President this week and it was way fun! I went to Woodridge with Elder Anderson (The AP) and Elder Tu'vou (The AP) went to Arlington Heights with Elder Anderson (my companion) we had a really good time talking to a bunch of white people who were not having it but it was legendary haha we had a blast! We ending up driving around a lot that day but it was a blast all in all! 

This week one of our friends here who won't get baptised for anything, Alfredo, took us to this buffet called Hibachi Grill and I despise this place but Elder Anderson wanted to go, so we went. When you eat there, the food will and also ways does wreck you. I had learned my lesson the past couple of times there so I knew what to avoid, but Elder Anderson didn't know and he got destroyed this week. DESTROYED 

We were out knocking Sasturday night and we felt prompted to go stop by this one random lady we had met last week and we went by and she was home and we taught her a little bit about the restoration right thereon her door step and she was feeling it. She cried during the First Vision of Joseph Smith. We invited her to church and lo and behold, she came and stayed for all three hours!! It was way cool! She is certainly a miracle. She said that she really liked it all and she has serious desires to come back and we asked her when we could come by again and she told us any time we wanted to! She is so solid and she wants us to teach her family too! Please please please pray for Mari this week everyone. she need it. 

Things are going awesome this week. Things are picking up. We are convinced that the level to which you are consecrated, you show your love to the Lord. So we are workin so hard to show our love to the Savoir!

I Love you all so much and thanks to all of you who have already sent me Christmas wishes! You're the best!

As always

Elder Tracy

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