Monday, January 14, 2019

Cold, snow, and many other new things

Hey Everyone!

It's been a good first week here in Naperville 3! It's been a wild week though sk we will have to see how much I can remember and everything!

But we had transfers on Tuesday so Monday was a lot of packing and a lot of other things. We got to eat with the Rivas family and they are the best they will be missed dearly! But we drive down to Naperville with another Elder who is getting transfered and we arrived there at 9 am to find our new companions. We unload everything and get talking with a couple of people for a few minutes and then we get on our way out! I met Elder Lewis for the first time! He's a legend. Haha He is from Hurricane, Utah, he's a convert of about 7 years and he is essentially just a legend.

But it appears that not a lot of missionary work has been happening here for some time now... I'm essentially opening up a new area. (aka there was no one being taught for months) In a very wealthy area. (and where there affluence, there is white people) so we have been knocking a lot of doors. We have been talking with everyone we can. It's very very cold so it's very very hard to catch people outside or anything haha so we knocked probably close to a thousand doors this week because we talked to over 100 people. It was crazy. And we met a lot of not super nice people haha we also met some super crazy people too. Some that deserve to be among those in Woodstock  (Elder Anderson you know)

But Elder Lewis doesn't really know any of the ward members here either, so we kinda went on a blitz trying to contact and get in with every member possible this week and also try to start member missionary work. We recently got a new Ward Mission Leader who is ON FIRE. (for those of you members of the Cross Creek Ward he is just like Brother Hughes) high energy, convert of over 15 years, loves the gospel as much as his family. We really hit it off because he served a mission in Guatemala and I speak Spanish and it was a blast. But there's one Mexican FAMILY, The Bramascos, in the ward we visited this week and we get there and I say, so do you all speak Spanish? And they looked at me funny... And then said yes. And then we became HOMIES. Turns out the dad has been Bishop in Midway (my first area) knows almost all the members in Chicago 2nd and Chicago 4th wards so we were homies from the start and Elder Lewis was a little lost in all the Spanish haha (not to mention their 6 children)

We also have met a suprizing number of people here who have served in Brazil and Mexico! So I've had plenty of chances to practice Spanish and to start to learn a little Portuguese! This ward is awesome. We just have got to start to get them on board with missionary work even more and then we will be GOLDEN.

But things here are pretty good I'd say. We have a lot of work to do. A lot. But things are looking up. I've recently found a lot of solace in three scriptures.
1 Nephi 19:9
Doctrine and Covenants 122
Joshua 1:5

God is good. God is great. God is always there to help you when there are souls at stake.

As always,

Elder Tracy

We had a bunch of dumb people putting dumb things into the washers in out building and breaking them so we decided to take matters into our own hands
Me and Elder Anderson
Me and Elder Moser
Me and Elder Anderson and the Rivas Kids
My and my new district (Elder Lewis is in the far back)

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