Monday, January 7, 2019

Los tiempos españoles ya me han pasado

Hey Everyone!

This week was pretty awesome! We had a blast as it was out last week together with transfers and all! But we worked way hard to make some miracles happen and it was pretty awesome! We had some awesome tuigns happen!

We went on exchanges twice this week one after the other because we kinda forgot to do it earlier in the transfer. But I got to go to Bloomingdale for the day with Elder Vargas who is a legend! He's from Columbia but grew up in Spain so he's Spanish is obviously impressive! But it was super fun! We got to meet and teach some really awesome people! Then the following morning, we met up again and switched with the Elgin Elders and I went back to my area with Elder Leal. We went on exchanges once back in Chi 4 but we were back at it again! We met some homies that day we spent a lot of it tracting and having a good time! We taught an awesome lesson to this one family, the Solis Family, we are teaching ant they were feeling the Spirit and it was a really good time.

This week we started to use Obispo to help us get around because we don't have the miles to do it! But he's been driving us around every once and a while and he does NOT like to drive. We were driving to one lesson and the COPS PULLED US OVER AND HE DIDN'T HAVE HIS LICENSE IT WAS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS EVER we took a selfie with him because it was amazing.

We meet a bunch of crazy people while knocking doors here. We knocked this one door and the guy opens it and I start speaking to him in Spanish and we says, and I quote: "no espeak English" and I said "Y por eso, le hablo en Español" needless to say he was not very interested. Haha we also met this one guy thought we that were the Jehovahs Witness and we was talking with us about thier church and we talked with him for probably about 15 minutes, telling us that he read Hebrew (which he didn't) but then realized we weren't the J dubs so he dipped real fast. We were able to found some funny people

But as the title alludes, this week was transfers. We received my call and I'm heading out of Arlington Heights! These 6 months have been some of my favorite 6 months honestly. It's been amazing to serve here. I've met some awesome people. I won't forget them ever. But I'm heading out to Naperville 3 with is in the Joliet Stake. It is an English Ward which is sad because I love speaking Spanish, but I've been 4 of the greatest Spanish wards known tk man so it's time to move on I guess. And I'll be getting Elder Lewis, whom I have never met! It will be a really fun time and it will be very very very different than what I'm used to. But I'm excited!

Things are going grest and are getting better! Hope you all have a great week! 

As always, 

Elder Tracy 

Selfie with German and Lorena and Maya and Sami and Elder Leal
Selfie with Obispo and the cop 
Elder Andersons great parking jobs 
Elder Leal and I
Elder Vargas sleeping ahah 
Story time: so our apartment smelled really really bad one night so Elder Anderson decided to Fry up some oranges and try to help the terrible smell. It actually worked pretty well. 

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