Monday, February 18, 2019

Temple and Transfer

Hey everyone!

This was a good week! I guess. we got to see some cool stuff and talk with some amazing people!

So to start with the legendary people! We met this guy knocking who opened the door and yells "yall are back! last time yall ran away scared" and we met our friend andrew. He was a legend. We probably talked to him for like 30 minutes. we talked about everything from symbolism to satanic powers to the problems of the world to the prophet Mohammed from islam. It was a good contact. It was fun. We also knocked this one door and the lady told us to hold on and so were we're waiting there for like 5 minutes and then we decided to leave a note and leave and as we were writing the note, these two guys start walking up to us with a little kid and are like what yall doing? And so we explained the situation (well Eder Lewis did and it didn't go too well) and so they walked the kid to the garage and apparently we scared the living daylights out of this kid as he was walking home from school and so we were really sad that we upset him haha but it was a good time.

We also got to go to the temple this week and and it was aweomse. Our Ward Mission Leader took us up to the temple and it was aweomse haha this man literally never stops talking and its legendary. We got a spiritual boost to finish out this transfer strong and make some miracles happen! It is gping to be awesome! (we took pictures but I forgot my camera at home so I can't send the pictures yet!)

But we also got news about transfers! I'll be  staying here with Elder Lewis for another 6 weeks! It Wil be good! we have a lot of awesome things happening in the area and Elder Lewis is getting fired up about missionary work again and that make things a lot easier.

this was a pretty boring week honest other than the temple. Things are good. Love you all!

As always

Elder Tracy

The final district pictures haha rip hermana Cutler
We didn't have a dinner at Valentines day so we made our own haha

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