Monday, February 4, 2019

i froze

Hey Everyone!

This week was literally one for the record books. Holy SMOKES. It was a chilly one this week! But several awesome things happened!

So first off, to answer all yalls questions, I AM FINE. The cold wasn't even that bad. Your nostrals freeze while you bree the and if you out for more than like 30 seconds, your eyes will start to freeze shut. It was AWESOME. Fortuately, the coldest day, we had Zone Conference and so that made things a lot better because we were in the Church for like 7 hours instead of outside for 7 hours! It was an amazing Zone Conference too! We talked about a lot of really awesome things about the Holy Ghost and really who he is! It was a wild learning experience!

This week was also awesome because of STEVE. HOLY smokes he's a legend. We taught him three times this week because he wants to keep learning! He is SOOOO Hungry for the gospel and it's amazing to see. We had taught him the restoration last week and this week we taught him so much more and PUT HIM ON DATE. IT was amazing. He has the coolest Fellowshippers and they are all awesome. We are way excited to be teaching him! But on the sad note, his family is going through some rough times and he's actually getting kicked out his house this week. So CAN YOU KEEP STEVE IN YOUR PRAYERS SO HE CAN FIND A PLACE TO LIVE.

We also are trying to work a ton with less actives especially in the cold because we aren't trying to perish out here. We started working with this one family the Monte Calvos and my goodness. It was the funnest lesson I've ever been to. There was so much happening and holy crap it was hilarious. Roasts, insults, love, cats (named voldemort) and gospel all went flying for about an hour. It was amazing.

Funny story: (well at least to me) we knocked this one street and straight up every single person who opened the door was the most anti people ever. They were trying to tear us down and we just stood there and testified like the Alma and Amuleks we are and they just grumbled under their breath and closed the door all offended! to which we always yell back, "hope you have a great day!" and they, being upset and trying to flee because they are sad at us just say "mmmm you too" and I think it's the greatest thing ever hahahaha like every time it's amazing hahah

And this week we honestly saw the hand God. We had set some pretty loft goals for this area and we were able to go out there and make it happen! God was definately with us because we could not have done that on our own. Definately could not have done that nonesense. We had some miracles show up at church and we also got back into contact with Jailen our solid investigators who  decided to go on the fritz and he's solid as ever. Holy cow this paragraph does not do it justice what we saw this week. it was amazing. I'm definately a stronger man and much closer to God now a days so things are going pretty well.

this is the true work. This is the only true truth. I am beyond faith. There are so many things that confirm the divinity of the work of God in which I am involved. You all can know too.

As always,

Elder Tracy

we knocked this one guys door and he turned out to be a former and he wasn't having the idea of us and so he says hold on and I though we were gonna get some anti propaganda and I was way excited because it's dumb haha but he comes back with these ANCHIENT tapes of the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants and it was hilarious

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