Monday, March 11, 2019


Hey Everyone!

This week was very exciting! On Monday, I got the OK from the mission nurse to go to Urgent Care because I was super fevered and kinda dying and we went and I was an adult for the first time and filled out my own paperwork, went to the pharmacy by myself like the adult I am. it was crazy. But I got the Flu. Influenza type A to be exact! So I got some medicine at the  local CVS and I crashed for the day.

And then the next one.

And the one after.

And the next three days after that too.

I slept for 15 - 16 hours of sleep a day. I read a lot in the Scriptures. I started going off on the Doctrine and Covenants about all the Doctrine it clarifies and I really enjoyed that. I read a lot in The Book of Mormon (because it's more of the word of God). It's been fun to read in the scriptures. Not fun to be sick. On Tuesday I sneezed for like 30 minutes straight. We had district council on Wednesday. But I skyped into that because I was dying. We did some weekly planning. It was productive the time inside for the most part.

On Saturday we tried to do some work and I thought I was going to pass out and throw up on someone's porch. I wasn't doing too hot. So we can back home and I slept for another 3 hours. We stopped by some people that night.

Sunday was our day. We went to church and we got some good work knocked out after that! We knocked a bunch of dooors, talked to some awesome people, we stopped by some family in the ward that have been needing some TLC and then we got an awesome dinner from the Ballard Family, had to make a pit stop at the church because I was about to explode. We got some good stuff done.

But I think honestly the thing I learned from this experience is patience on my part with the Lord and his  blessings. Often, we want something and we know that God knows that we want something, but He knows better than us, so he will hold out on us until we are either ready for what He has for us, or until we change our minds and realize what He wants and how much better that thing is. I wanted to get better, but Heavenly Father wanted something else for all those days. It didn't help that Im reading James E Talmage's classic Jesus the Christ right now and I was reading about all the miracles Jesus performed and it wasn't happening for me. There's a plan. I'm not worried. Revelation has not ceased. The Heavens are still open and that's really all that matters. the Church is true and lead by the First Presidency and the Quorom of the Twelve apostles. What a time to be alive.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Not much happened this week. Here's me being sick.
Here's the First Presidency and the 12. They are Prophets, Seers and Revelators.

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