Monday, April 15, 2019

April showers, I mean snow storms?

Hello everyone!

This was a great week! We were able to have some awesome things happen this week! For example we were able to get some work done!!

We were kinda feeling down on ourselves one day and so we decided to stop by a famiy we are working with and it was apparently the lord himself who had told us to be there. We get there and begin to speak with the mother (who is a member of the church but hasn't been in some time) outside as she had just gotten home from work. And as soon as we began talking she instantly opened up to us about all the problems they are facing and it was not pretty. They are really going though a lot and it can all be traced back to one problem. But we kept telling her about the a toning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the promised blessings of living the gospel and she began to feel better about it all. Shortly there after, her son came up from playing at a local park and we were able to talk with him more. We are actually trying to baptize her son, Drew and comtinue to fix his mother's spiritual situation so that she can jion us again at church!

We also were able to have an awesome experience at our district council this week! Elder Moser had done some digging and was able to locate a golden nugget in the Old testament of how we can consider our ways and really think of how we can better live our lives in harmony with Christ's teachings. It was a great reflecting moment in my life about how I can continue to become better in life.

WE ALSO PLAYED "BUTTON BUTTON WHO HAS THE BUTTON" WITH THE CUTEST FAMILY IN OUR WARD AND I WAS SO HAPPY. For those of you not familiar with the game" Button button who has the button", it is a Tracy Family Tradition,  nay an integral part of the Tracy Family way of life. It is the greatest game ever and it worked so well and we had a fantastic gospel discussion afterward and it made me so happy to see the teaching of my parents coming into use in my life!! (yet another application of Malachi 4:5-6)

also it snowed this week. what the heck. It is April people.

We started teaching this wonderful Muslim woman named Mona and she is the funniest person ever. We met her about two weeks ago and it's been awesome ever since. We were finally able to find her a Book of Mormon in Arabic and she was ecstatic! She exclaimed that she was definately going to start reading it! She opened it up and she was reading through just a couple of lines and she says" Jerusalem?? isn't that where Jesus will come back?" she is super fun! I've also learned a lot about the Islamic faith and it  is really cool to learn about other people and the peace and religions the practice. It is also so wonderful to me that we have the word of God available to us in every language and we are literally completing the scripture found in the Book of Mormon in 2 Nephi 31:3! It's super cool to see! If you want to see that verse, go to:

love you all! make it a good week! remember who you are and what you stand for!!

as always,

Elder Tracy

A fire truck pulled up on us the other day
the snow???!!!

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