Monday, April 1, 2019

A week of miracles and Gen Conf Prep

Hey Everyone!

This week was yet another great week in Naperville! Sorry, I forgot to send an email last week! But we had a lot of good tuigns happen in these last two weeks!

For one, we had Zone Conference and it was awesome to see the legends all back together again. we were combined with the Naperville Zone so I got to see some of my good friends, Elder Silva, Elder Lytle and Elder Pope and all the other homies in between! We had a great conference talking about a lot of really important things, like scriptures, how to teach and other things Ike that. It was a great great Zone Conference. It's a little ittersweet because we are nearing the end of President Bingham's Presidency term, so he is trying to make sure he is able to unload all he feels like we need to know. He is so inspired.

But this week was good. we did a lot of knocking this week to find all those new people to find. We did the math and we spend usually anywhere From 4-7 hours knocking a week and it's pretty brutal out here in Naperville. The biggest thing is that people are content with life. They have no desire to change or improve in any way. They have their house, family, job and plenty of money and a "church home" most of them and they are completely satisfied with it all. It's made reflect a ot about how blessed I have been in my life with all those things in general. It's frustrating when people are mean to us, or are not the Christians they proclaim to be, but it makes me think of Christ as well. He wasn't accepted but he was still right the whole time. manna for thy thoughts. (shoutout to Elder Tibbitts)

But we were knocking a lot this week and we werent seeing any success which was honestly super sad. But as we kept going we had the determination to keep goin! We had dinner with a family that had fed us forever ago and we left them with a book of mormon to give out. They ended up coming in cutch, giving the Book of Mormon to their childrens friend, inviting her to general conference with her whole family and taught her to pray all without being asked. Crazy. That was an amazing miracle. We also were able this week to have some miracles show up to church because this amazing missionary member of the church invited like four friends to hear her speak this weeek and three of them came!! aand the funny thing is is that we had set a goal to have three people come to church and the three we had planned on coming didnt even come! It was almost is if Heavenly Father knew!! We also were knocking doors and we felt inclined to stop by a member of the church who doesnt live too far from where we were. And wwe had never gotten contact with her or her family before. As we were leaving empty handed, she pulled up to the apartment complex and we were able to talk to her and her two unbaptized children!!! Crazy how the timing of the Lord is perfect like that!!!

We also got to go on exchanged this week with my main man Elder Jimenez. He is quite the legend. We did a bunch of baptismal interviews for the pweople they are tyeaching and one of them got BAPTIZED THIS WEEKEND nothing can stop the work from progressing.

But things are the same old here in Naperville 3. Doing some great work. The best work in the world, the Lords work. The Church has been restored and everything is coming sooner and happening faster and faster! Prepare for GENERAL CONFERENCE IT WILL BE AMAZING SO MUCH GOODNESS WILL COME FORTH. WATCH IT. LEARN IT. LOVE IT.

as always

Elder Tracy

SAULO and Elder Jimenez and me

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