Monday, April 22, 2019


Hey all and one!

It's been a good week this week! We were able to see some awesome things happen!

To start, we found a Nigerian family!! NFor those of you not familiar with sharing the gospel, we found a potential gold mine. These people are the people - super religious, love talking about Christ, they love being social, especially with other Nigerians! And we have a Nigerian family in our ward congregation! So we knocked thier door on Friday and he was like ah I'm busy come back tomorrow! And there are a lot of people who tell us that and so we usually write it down and go back the next day and they aren't there. But we went back on Saturday and THEY WERE ALL THERE. We taught them the restoration and they really seemed to like it! We already are in contact with the other family in our ward and they are super excited too because they are from the same part of Nigeria! We will keep yall updated on what happens.

This week I also got to play the cello! There is a family full of homies out here named the Hansen Family and thier son plays the cello and they found out I play as well and they pulled it out on Friday out of the blue and let me play it! I played a duet with their son as he played the bassoon! It was a super great time and I was super duper happy to be able to play the cello once more. It made my heart very very happy.

We also had the week for funny quotes. There were so many great quotes from this week, but I have decided to tell you all of three of them.
scene 1
Elder Lewis: *knocks door*
Old Lady : Hello how may I help you?
Elder Lewis : we are missionaries from th-
Old Lady : *cuts him off* I'm too old to talk go away *closes door*

scene 2
(in a lesson with two girls we are working with and their parents)
*the girls got super off topic as usual and we are now talking about sin*
Lexi : * says somethings way out in left field is a sin*
Her mom: no, Lexi, sin is doing something that God has tod us not to do. Like lying, stealing, not honoring your parents...
Her step dad from the kitchen : That's why God gave us a strong hand
(ps this was a funny one for us idk about yall)

scene 3
(at a members house eating dinner with them and their 5 kids)
Dad: Oliver (7 y/o kid) you're almost 8 years old. What happens when you turn 8?
Oliver: I can use knives??
(Ps this was my favorite one this week)

But this week was also Easter and we got to talk a lot with people about the Easter season and what Christ means to them. There was a video that the Chuchput out and it's called "#becauseofhim An Easter Message of Hope and Triumph" and it's aweosme. We tried our best to share it with people while knocking doors but we were su prized when 99% of the people who answered expressed a faith and belief and devotion to Christ, but were not even willing to watch a 1 minute video about their Lord and Savior in the Easter season. I was honestly shocked. But it really made me think about it. "With their lips they de honor me, but their hearts are far from me" manna for thy thoughts. But this week was awesome because it really made me appreciate Christ and all he has done for me. I'm so incredibly grateful for the Bible and the Book of Mormon and for their two witnesses of the resurrected Lord. Reading both og those accounts makes me so happy to know that HE LIVES. And because he lives, we can all start over and find happiness.

As always,

Elder Tracy

okay so this is the only one. we didn't really take any picture this week, so we took a selfie last night and called it good

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