Saturday, August 19, 2017

Semana 6 - The Last Days at the MTC

Hey everyone!!

Its your favorite Elder here! Can you all believe that I leave for Chicago on MONDAY??? I cant either. But really I leave the MTC at 3:50 AM on Monday the 21st. Its crazy to think about. I am so excited. I think I am ready to get on with this though. Six weeks here in the MTC were plenty for me. I think that I can speak Spanish well enough. I, like all missionaries, will face trial by fire when I get to Chicago and I will learn Spanish so quickly and I am so very excited about it all. I am also not prepared for the cold because as yall know, I grew up in the south so the cold isnt something I know.

This week was honestly so cool. We had two of the 12 Apostles come here and speak to us and it was really cool. On Sunday, we heard from Elder M Russel Ballard and he talked about the importance of missionary work and staying focused. It was super powerful. On Tuesday, we heard from Elder Neil L. Anderson and he was awesome too. He talked about the inportance of staying faithful and hopeful on our Missions and how that could really help us and it was crazy good too. The Elders in my District blew my mind the other day. They told me a piece of doctrine that I didnt know that I really should have. Apparently every living Apostle has recieved the Second Comforter and this means that they have actually seen to and talked to the Ressurected Jesus Christ and that is how they are Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ. Its because they have literally SEEN JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH and as I though about that it was freaking awesome because I cant even imagine being able to meet Christ in the flesh in this life and I am so excited to one day be able to meet him.

So on Wednesday, we recieved the largest influx of Missionaries the MTC has ever seen. We got 762 new missionaries. Seven Hundred. And sixty. Two. Thats so crazy to think about. So as a consequnce there has been SO MANY PEOPLE IN THE MEAL TIMES AND ITS NOT OKAY. But my district got the opportunity to Host the New Missionaries as they were dropped off and it was great. I worked for about 2 and a half hours in the heat and I helped 6 new missionaries get all their stuff, fond thier room and get them off to class and it was awesome. It was crazyt that I was in their shoes only 6 weeks ago. Its been a crazy ride and the most fun I have ever had. I wouldnt trade these experiences for the world.

So one of the Elders in my district one day comes up to me and asks if I have heard of the 1000 calf raise challenge. I responded no. HE said that one must do 1000 calf raises a night and I simply responded bet. and So that night, Elder Butler and I did 100 calf raises on the stairs so we could all the way down and all the way up. So that was fun. But we took a break day and then the next day we did 126, and then the day after 150. After that we did 200 and then 250 and then 100 (because we needed a break) and then we did 300 and then we did 350 last night. We are shooting for 400 tonight. This has been about a week and a half in the making and it has been awesome. We also have garnered a nice following of Elders in the Zone who do them with us and so we can all get ripped together and we usually get about 8 Elders in it with us. If any of you know about the Tracy Family Calves, you know this isnt hard for me but its a fun challenge to complete haha.

Classes and everything ends tonight offically and so thats that. I am essentially done with the MTC. It has been the best of times, and the worst of times. But again, I wouldn't trade any second of it for the entire world. I have grown so much in Faith, Strength and knowledge of the Spanish Language. I love this Gospel and I love the Lord. I love all of you and I love the Spanish Language. I know that everything in this life is possible if we work hand in hand with Jesus Christ.

I would like to quickly bear my testimony to you all of how much God loves all of us. We are literally His spirit Children and he wants the best for us and if we adhere to his commandments and his words, we can do everything in our lives that God wants for us. I am so excited to be able to serve the Lord until July 2019. See yall in TWO YEARS

I again love all of you and I miss you everyday. Keep sending me letters and emails I love to hear about your lives and the fun yall are having.

Always happy and smiling and as always,

Elder Tracy

ps I am typing very fast and I cant spell and so its a disaster so sorry haha

some pictures!

Temple Photos of the District (minus Elders Mcbee and Nicol) and then we got some name tag goals and then finally the "Chicago Crew"

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