Monday, August 28, 2017

Semana 7 - CHICAGO

Hello my beloved friends and family. I thank you all so much for your support and love. Thank you for taking time out of your hectic days to read my emails!

So, I AM IN CHICAGO! How crazy is that? It's so weird for me really.

But things here are actually pretty great. On monday, after a bus ride, a train ride, a tram ride, a lot of walking, a plane ride, even more walking, I have finally arrived in the wonderful city of Chicago! The first night we went and saw the BEAN, some other cool things, I met this crazy guy on the train (I will tell in a minute) and we got fed,  interviewed by President Bingham, andnthen whisked away to the Assistant to the Presidents' aparemtnet and tucked into bed for a good night's rest. Long day it was.

On Tuesday, we got our assignments for areas and Companions. I am in the Midway ward of Chicago. Its nicknamed the Celestial Kingdom and I didn't find out why until about a few days ago. Its because the members around here are literally saints. They care so much for the missionaries and each other and It's so great to see that in such a big place. My companion is Elder Garcia. He is from Mexico and really only speaks Spanish to me. He can speak English and will if I have no clue what's going on (which is often) but he really rocks. He is the District Leader for our District of about 8 missionaries. Allison, Elder Agre is in my district! We are also in a biking area... so that means a lot or biking around these hot and humid streets, dodging cars and crazy people. Sst first it was kinda crazy and scary but now its awesome. I am also borrowing a bike from an elder who has a car right nkw. Bht i need to biy a bike. Its pretty fun.

These last couple of days have been ful, of service and work. We have been trying to contact people and see if people are interested in being happy forever, but so far no one is super interested. It can be a little discouraging but it doesn't matter really. I'll be happy regardless. My Spanish is coming along. I can speak to people and have them understand me, but i cant understand people. They talk to fast and quietly and It's hard. I'm learning though. I can now understand most of the things people say. I think...

So some funny stories.
On the train  back from the BEAN, one of the elders sitting next to me, Elder Butler, was making conversation with a lady next to him. There's this guy across from me who is super intently watching the, talk. He then turns to me and asks me something that I couldn't hear. I asked him to repeat and he asked what church he belonged to. I sat up and leaned forward and began to respond and he suddenly yells WHAT. CHURCH. DO. YOU. BELONG. TO? To which I responded the Mormon church and asked if he had heard of it. He said no that he was orthodox and was proud of how long they had been around. I asked him where he was from and he said that if he had to explain it to me that it would go something like this, he was from the planet Sigma Seven, which is about 27.2 billion light years from earth. I asked him what it was like there. He responded that it was the best place ever. That every species lived there from the smallest dwarf to the largest Ork and that he had also been to middle earth. So I was like ok this guys either crazy or seeing how long he can pull this off. So I asked what he does for a job. He said that he travels around and sees how places are doing. He then said that he had visited over 15 cosmic galaxies. So this guys officially crazy. And then he randomly gets up and walks to the other side of the car. Weirdest minute of my life. And also there was this time when we had an appointment with a member family, and elder Garcia said that he had forgotten which house it was. That was fine I didn't care. As we walk along this street, this guy in really beat up clothes approaches us and he ignores elder Garcia and comes up to me and says oh seƱor, I have all these things like books and shampoo for only a dollar. I politely tell him I'm not interested and that I have no money. He says ok. That I can have things for 50 cents. I repeat my statement and try to leave. He then grabs my bike and tells me tk wait. He then asks if i am a police and then takes my name tag and i repsond that no i am a missoknary for my church. He keeps walking around me and i soon realize that he is taking stuff out of my bag and is pocketing the stuff. I tell hime rather sternly to give me my tbings back. He refuses and keeps trying to sell me his and my things back. After a whi,e of this, I'm getting mad and I'm about to start beating this guy for my stuff. He eventually turns to me and says, Elder, Bienvenidos al barrrio. Welcome to the ward. It was the member and they had pranked me. I thought it was pretty funny really (after a few minutes)

But all's well that ends well. I love all of you and y'all are the best. If you want to keep in contact with me, shoot me an email about your life and I'll try to respond. If you want to send my mail or a package, send it to,
800 Waukegan Rd Ste 203
Glenview IL 60025
United States
This is the mission office and they will get it to me!

My prayers and love go out to all of you affected my the hurricane in Houston. I pray for you and your safety. I love all of you so much.

As always,
Elder Tracy

Here's some photo. Our white board with our weekly plans, me and president and his wife, me and Elder Garcia and the President and his wife, all the new missionaries and their trainers, and finally, all the new missionaries as soon as we landed

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