Monday, September 18, 2017

Semana 10 - An Apostle and Independence Day

Buenos días mis amigos y Familia!

This week was amazing. So many great things happened and I'll try and tell it briefly because I know that you're all busy in life especially on a Monday!

So On Thrusday, we got to go the Chicago Temple! And it was awesome. Usually, President Bingham is super strict for temple attendance. His rule is if you are serving in the Willmette area (where the temple is) and you have a specific reason to go you may request his permission. But since an APOSTLE OF THE QUROUM OF THE 12  was coming this week, he authorized the entire mission to go before he got there! We we went with the Chicago Zone Spanish speaking missionaries. There were about 30 of us. It was amazing though and I don't know when I'll get the opportunity to go again. But I'm super grateful fornthe opportunity to go and visit the Lords House for a day.

And on Friday, Elder Dale Renlund, of the 12, came and spoke to the entire mission! It was amazing. He gave us some really helpful and spiritually charged advice and it was amazing to be in the presence of a living breathing, called apostle of the Lord our God. I got to shake his hand and the three members of the 70 that he had brought with him and their respective wives. But yeah it was pretty cool to meet an APOSTLE up close and personal.

On Tuesday, we visited this family, the Trejos. They are this super nice Elderly Couple and they love missionaries. After lunch, we were sharing a message after we finished, all the sudden, hermano Trejo bursts into song and he makes me stand up and start singing with him. And me, this awkward white kid from Texas, had no clue what was happening. He was trying to teach me the words to this Spanish song (which is apparently the equivalent of Can't Help Falling In love by Elvis but in spanish) called Cielito Lindo. And I had no clue what was happening. It was really funny. He then made me promise to sing this song at the Ward party on Friday. I said maybe. So Friday comes around and Elder Garcia has been coaching the missionaries in the Ward and me and on Friday, we celebrated Mexican Independence Day. There was a ward party with food and music and we all sang Cielito Lindo. I had a solo because I mean let's be real. Everyone afterward was like that white boy can sing-- wow.

Oh yeah and all the members here call me "guerito" which literally translates to little white boy. I love this place and these people.

But yeah everything is awesome. The people are pretty nice, the food is awesome, the work is hard but the blessings are apparent and well, blessings. I love this Gospel and the Lord. I know the Church is true. Hope you all have a great week!

As always,

Elder Tracy

Sometimes I like to Chill
Chicago Temple

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