Monday, September 25, 2017

Semana 11 - Sweating in Spanish

Mis queridos amigos y Familia!

Como están? Espero que ustedes estén bien y felices!

Well this week was pretty stinking awesome. Although, I will admit, that it is so hot here right now. Like we are talking high 90s and good amount of humidity because we live like 4 miles from a large freshwater source called Lake Michigan. I dunno if y'all have heard of it.  So Elder garcia and I literslly sweat frkm when we leave our house at about 1, to when we arrive back again at 9 o clock. But it's been really fun.

So On last PDay, we rode our bikes into Downtown. It was about a good 15 mile ride round trip through traffic and narrow streets and pedestrians. It was super fun! We rode to the BEAN and I got to take some jem photos of me being super sweaty from the ride (since we didn't get to see the BEAN when we came with the Seven Lakes Orchestra in 2016) (my orchestra friends remember the pain we endured) we went to the same mall we went to in 2016, the Water Tower Mall, and did some window shopping and stopped in the Lego store and got to fight with lightsabers (super lit)

We had Zone Conference on Tuesday and it was pouring rain. So Elder garcia and I rode the 20 minutes through the rain and literally got soaked to the bone. My shoes were literally sloshing with every step I took. Needless to say, we didn't wear shoes or socks for this entire meeting. With President Bingham. And sister Bingham. And about some 60 missionaries. It was pretty funny. The Hermanas in our district demanded to take a picture.  Oh yeah to further the fun, our mission is one of 12 missions that is piloting a new idea. Each companionship now has a SMARTPHONE. We have a smart phone so we can use Facebook for online proselyting and it's pretty weird. It's really effective I think. We are able to communicate with our investigators better and more regularly. I think it's defi lately interesting. #twiceapilotprogram

We have been really hard at work I think. We have been out contacting people in the streets and knocking doors and we have had some good times. Like the electricity went out in one neighborhood while we were walking past and everyone was out on the street bedcause it was super hot in their houses (I mean come on, God is helping us out here. If I couldn't see blessings before, I can now) and we got a bunch of contacts and it was amazing. God is really watching out for us, his servants, called to gather his sheep.

My Spanish is really improving day by day. I am beginning to understand the people a little better. I can understand the general idea of what is occurring around me. And I can sometimes respond to a direct question in a coherent and understandable manner the first time! #progress We are getting there.

Oh yeah and this coming weekend is what I'm most excited about! We have the wonderful opportunity to watch General Conference and hear from gods called servants and prophets and apostles! I'm so super excited!

But, friends and family, I love y'all. Truly and sincerely. I miss y'all and hope that everything is going well for you. The Lord is on thy side. I hope that God may bless you and your family.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Me and my trusty steed of a bike with the shiny BEAN of a BEAN that is the BEAN.
The shiny BEAN of a BEAN that is the BEAN
On last p day we also walked past this really nice car store so we stopped by and so here is me and my newest bughatti and lambo

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