Monday, November 27, 2017

A Week of Thanksgiving

Hey My Friends and family! How yall doing? I am super grateful for all yall and reading my emails hopefully haha

But this week was crazy. So many crazy things happened.

So to start, this week was full of door knocking so you already know it was crazy. We knocked on this one door and a man came out from the back and was asked what do you want? And we said that we were missionaries and he immediately cut me off and he said,  while rather aggressively clapping his hands to the side, I'M COOKING and then we walked back inside. Another time we saw a shirtless man yelling some not very nice things at his girlfriend as we passed by. He also was throwing things and swear words so we turned onto another street pretty quickly. Things in Chicago are going pretty good. We just end up with a lot of weird things happening to us haha

On Thursday, the other Elders in our District didn't have a meal appointment for Thanksgiving and neither did we. So, being the elders we are, we scavenged through our houses and put enough food together to make a meal for ourselves. It was awesome. But the ham they had found was low key kinda funky so we didn't really eat much of it hahah and after our feasts we did our weekly planning. And we called one of our investigators who we had been struggling to get in contact with and she answered the phone and we were surprised when she answered and even more surprised wheen she invited us over for dinner. So that was awesome. As we left the church, this homeless man entered the church thinking that we were giving away food. And we had already cleaned up so there was no food. And he was super crazy and was telling us how the Duck Brothers (Duck Dynasty) was really running the country and that the leader of the KKK was black and all this stuff. It was weird. But we eventually got him to leave after he stole my Payday Candy Bar. But we went to our invesigators house and her whole family was there. And after eating and talking with them, her brother and his wife were interested in the Church and what we have to say. So it was a successful day and it's crazy how God works like that.

We also had this super fun Thanksgiving Party on Saturday. The ward brought food and drinks and it was a grand old time! We also invited our investigators and her whole family and they all showed up! So we had brought 6 people to this event haha and side note, but our ward thinks that the Elders never do work because we never bring anyone to church or something. But when we brought those 6 people everyone was just kinda staring at us and were asking us who they were and were surprised when we said investigators hahah. But after eating and talking, the missionaries had put together a representation of Lehi's vision of the tree of life and the iron rod and the various temptations along the way. We had games, dancing and all other kinds of fun things to distract people from finding the tree of Life. It was super cool and super fun.

But things here are awesome. I'm loving the food and the people are awesome. I am beginning to trust more in God and in the whispering of the Spirit and my goodness it's awesome. I also want to say that I am so very grateful for each and everyone of you. Even if you read this or not (if you've gotten this far, you can make it just a little more!) I really do appreciate all the love and support that you send my way every day. I'm thankful for a Loving God and his plan for our happiness and eventual return to live with him again. I'm also grateful for Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross for us. Because by Him, and through Him, we can be forgiven for our sins and errors and also receive the hope and support we need. I'm thankful for my Mom and her prayers and letters and packages because I know that a Missionary Mom prays more than anyone. I'm thankful for you too, Dad. Through your generosity, I'm here in Chicago. I know that yall have been blessed and I can see it. Anyway. I love this Gospel and I love you all so much! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and may God Bless all of you!

As always,

Elder Tracy

There is this super tiny toilet we found in the building and naturally things happened
I found another super cool Cubs/Sox Garage thing
Here is the feast the Other Elders and I prepared twas awesome.
Also, whoever was the homie who sent my an Apron, you rock, thank you!
Story: So a member gave us this fruit last night. And I thought it was pretty big. Upon arrival at home, I told Elder Osorio that that was the biggest orange I had ever seen. He just looks at me and says it's a freaking grapefruit you idiot and we had a good laugh about that haha

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