Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Baptisms and tricks (not treats)

Hola mis amores!

Well this week was actually kind of crazy. A lot of great things happened So it was a rollercoaster.

First off, we had Zone Conference this Tuesday, and it also happened to be Halloween that day. (Who knew?) So Zone Conference was amazing. We got some amazing insight from President Bingham on how we can be good missionaries and continue onward and upward! We also had a super strong and spirit packed breakaway session with the Spanish Zone. So the Chicago Zone (my zone)has this super bad reputation of being super disobedient. And this was a reputation set by elders from years ago. And it has perpetuated up until present day. Now this zone is amazing and we are all really obedient and its a stark difference. And it's kinda discouraging to hear other missionaries, who have never served in this zone, talking bad about our zone and the South Side in general. We as a zone had a frank and powerful discussion on how we can change this reputation and it's going to be awesome. I'm excited to see what we can do and change this reputation. And since it was Halloween and this is the South Side of Chicago, we had to be inside by 6 pm. So that did and Elder Farrer and I got caught up on a lot of things we hadn't had the time for. So it was kinda awesome haha

Also this week, I had the opportunity to go on exchanges with Elder English in the Cicero area of our ward. Let me just say, it was probably some of the greatest times I've had this transfer. We had a lot of fun talking between houses tracting, talking to people and a bunch of other things. We actually knocked on this one door and this older english Lady opened the door and we introduced ourselves as missionaries and she said "oh, let me get my husband!" So we waited on the doorstep for a second and this old guy come to the door and exclaims "Oh, Thank the Lord! Thank you for sending me some Men of God!" After which we were invited in and had a really awesome conversastion with this man and his wife. They weren't super interested in the church or anything, but they were happy to talk to two young "Jesus Boys." And they were honestly some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. He made us take some 9 pistachios and a banana with us as we left. Great times.

The Family that Elder GarcĂ­a and I found about two months ago had an exciting event. Adam, the dad of the family, was baptised this Saturday!! So I got to go and see his take this next step toward his salvation and it was so amazing to see him come out of the water just beaming with the pure love of Christ in his eyes. He is an amazing example to not only the rest of his family, but also the world of what a righteous man should be. I was blessed with the opportunity to also play the mandolin in a duet with his wife, Lilia. She and I played the primary song "I'm trying to be like Jesus" it was amazing and so touching for me to be able to contribute my talents in such a simple yet meaningful way.

One funny experience. On Saturday, Elder Farrer and I were out tracting and we were walking away from a door when it opened and a man came out and walked down the stairs. He greeted us in English and we began talking to him in English. When we introduced ourselves as missionaries, he suddenly said "Oh, Yo no speak la ingles good" Elder Farrer said, in Spanish, that's wonderful because we speak Spanish. Scrambling for a way out, he told us to talk to the woman inside. He then proceeded to run to his car and peel out. Good times.

But everyone, Good Ole Elder Tracy is going well. I'm getting actually pretty good at Spanish and I can understand people a lot of the time and it's pretty awesome. I have a strong testimony that who the Lord calls, he qualifies. I know He is helping me through my difficulties. The church is true and the Book is blue. If y'all want to email me go for at
or you can send letters (and packages haha) to
800 Waukegan Rd
Ste 203
Glenview IL 60025

As always,

Elder Tracy

Adam and his Family at the baptism! What a day.
There is a lot of cool graffiti here haha
Elder Farrer and I on our tandem bike after Zone Conference
Zone Selfie

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