Monday, November 13, 2017

Third Transfer, Third Companion

Hey everyone!

I hope that everything for yall is going awesome wherever you are!

Well, this week was a super short week it felt like. We had a bunch or appointments with some potential investigators of the church, but all of them canceled on us haha so instead of nearly 16 lessons for the week, we ended up with 7. So that was a little disappointing but it gave us more time to do some finding of some people to teach and we found some really great people. So maybe next week all of our lessons will work out! This week was also the last week that Elder Farrer and I had together. President Bingham had told us both that we were not staying together about three weeks ago because he wanted our leadership and abilities elsewhere. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or what really hahaha but it is what it is. So we have been trying to enjoy what time we've got left. Which means photos, dancing randomly, laughing and making terribly dumb jokes, and that's the life I'm living right now haha and it's about the same as before really. So I haven't changed that much

So with this week being transfers, I have a new assignment. I am actually staying in my area of Chicago 2 but I'm getting a different companion! I am receiving Elder Case down here! He's coming from the north side and he's a good guy from what I've heard so I'm really excited to see what we can do together. He came in at the same time as me so I think that we will be able to do some good things down on the South Side. President told me to work him out here and make him work really hard. I think I can make that happen.

Well, this week has just been more of the same really whether wise. Except it did happen to snow for the first time on Friday. Which was an amazing and interesting experience. It was weird and only lasted a day before melting off, but it was snow none the less. So we will be getting bus money here soon so we don't have to ride our bikes in the real snow and deathly cold. Super pumped for that. Also it gets dark here at about 5:15 - 5:30 so that's a new experience. And we can do stuff after dark, but it's not the safest idea really, you just have to be smart about where and when you go places here. So we were riding home from a dinner appointment one day, and we were climbing a hill and all the sudden, the right cuff of my pants got stuck in the sprocket of my bike. I soon heard a good loud rip and I slammed on my brakes and I looked down and I saw that I had a ripped a good 8 - 10 inch in my pants and so I tried to sew it but I'm going to just see if a member can fix them. There is a seamstress in the ward so I hope she will help me out like she has other elders. So that was a fun project. And event.

But things here are awesome. I am loving Chicago and the people and all the awesome expiercnes I have had here already. I love this gospel and I have seen God's hand in my life everyday and I am so glad for that. I love all of you and I hope this email finds you all well. If you are interested, yall can send me stuff at I'd love to hear from you. Again, I love yall and this gospel that I have the opportunity to share with the people here. Stay in touch!

As always.,

Elder Tracy

The Elders in my ward and these members that feed us every week
Elder Farrer and I saying goodbye to our grandpa in the ward. Hermano Gallardo sad day haha

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