Monday, November 20, 2017

Third Transfer, Third Companion: With A Twist

Hey yall!

It's just your friend Elder Tracy here freezing in Chicago! I hope that yall have been good and happy and well. But things here have been interesting this past week. So here is what'sup

Remember how I said that I would be companions with Elder Case right? Well with the way God works, things can change in a second. In Monday night at 9:45, we received a call from President Bingham and he said that after interviewing all the greenes, he wanted me to train one of them! So after two transfers in the mission, I am training! So on Tuesday, Elder Osorio was born into the mission! He is a stud. He's from California but he is originally from Guatemala so he is fluent in Spanish so I don't even have to train him! He is already such a good missionary and is doing great! So this week has just been training and it's been super fun!

This week it has rained almost everyday and it's been super cold so it's been super fun being a biking missionary and getting to be outside all the time. I bundle up for the cold and then you have to bundle up for the rain too! On Friday it snowed a little bit while we were outside it was super cool.

We also got 2 new investigators and I'm super excited for them! Elder Osorio being the paisa he is, clicked with them and they said that we could come back any time in the evening! I'm super excited for them!

Well things here are awesome. I love Chicago so much and I am so glad I made the decision to come out here on my mission. I love getting closer to God and Jesus Christ and increasing my relationship with them! I love the gospel and I know this church is true.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Ps if yall wanna write me sometime here's my email

When I picked up Elder Osorio and we became companions
I found this super cool garage this week
Here's the group photo of all of us

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