Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Pro speary anio eh Fleece y dog


Well this week was super duper cold. My goodness. This was the first time in MY 18 YEARS OF LIFE THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN A NEGATIVE NUMBER IN THE WEATHER App. It's kinda fun though to have it be super cold. A lot of interesting things happen. For instance, sometimes the sidewalks are super slippery and you can watch you companion almost slip and fall a couple times a day and then when you think it's funny, almost slip and have those same 18 years flash before your eyes before catching yourself and being okay to slip another day. It's a good time. We also did some service on Saturday and that was shoveling snow! We just went around and shoveled snow for some people who needed it done! And I have never shoveled snow before so it was a new experience but it was super fun!

This week was also awesome because we got to go over to the Lopez Household and they are the most homie family ever. The dad is away driving trucks for a job right now, so we try to stop by once or twice a week just to see how they are doing and how we can help. This week we talked about the Priesthood with them and it was a super cool experience because the two older boys (17 & 13) had just received the offices of Priest and Deacon and it was super cool to talk about that with them and their mom. She also expressed interest in studying the scriptures more! This is all super good news because as of two months ago, they were super less active in the church and now they come every week! It's awesome how God works.

It was made known to me that maybe I should talk about some of our investigators we have currently. We have 3 solid investigators at the moment. One is Luis and he has a super honest desire to repent and learn more about that. He is so on date for Feb 3rd so we will see where that takes us. Another is Camila and she is 9 and is a member of the Lopez family. We are starting teaching her so she can get ready for baptism on the 20th of January. We also have Roberto who is a solid guy who just wants to learn how to increase his faith in God. We actually have a meeting with him tonight so we will see what happens there too!

One more quick thing, I don't think I've mentioned this before, but this transfer, I am district leader for my district! That means I am responsible for two other sets of missionaries in my area and I report their successes and experiences to the Zone Leaders. I hope that all of you had a a great Christmas Season and New Years too! This year is my white out year, which means that I will spend all of 2018 in Chicago. A whole year dedicated to God. I'm super pumped to see where I'll be in a year from now!

Thank you for making it this far! ¡Espero que tengan una semana fantástica y que todo les vaya bien en este año nuevo que tenemos!

Como siempre,

Elder Tracy

-This is how I stay warm. I feel like I am wearing a space suit with two pairs of gloves, a beanie, a scarf, my winter jacket, a sweater, a long sleeve shirt, and long Johns. It's awesome.
-These are the two dogs of the Pule Family and they love me and I love them and this was the best photo I could get with them and the excitement
-We found this giant icicle and so naturally, a little bit of my inner Harry Potter came out and also a unicorn.

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