Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A snow storm?

Hello everyone!

Well heres hoping that you week was good!

Well my week was interesting because a lot of things happened! First off, we called our mission President to ask a question about this transfer and how we weren't allowed to enter the former Hermana area and he said that was dumb and that we should go ahead and cover their area. He also gave us the OK to move into the other apartment in the Hermanas old area and so we are taking that place over here soon! I think we are moving tonight so wish us luck. We also reformed our areas within the ward and the other elders freaking love the new area they got. And we really like ours too so this will be a good transfer.

We have been teaching the Hermanas old investigators and they had many don't get me wrong. We we have been hauling all around North, South, East and West trying to cover all these citas they had. It's wild. Wild I tell you. But they have all these super solid people and it's wonderful to see what's happening.

We are teaching this one guy named Oscar and he is amazing. We taught him four times this week and every time he just expressed his gratitude and love for us and we only met him a while ago but he is already so strong in the church and its awesome to see.

In other news, I'm writing this today, Tuesday, because yesterday we were a little bust with a mission tour! Elder Anderson of the 70 came to visit out mission! That also meant that we got to talk to this man and he shared a lot of  awesome insight about the gospel and the work of the lord and it was awesome. It ran for about 6 hours but it was awesome. I also got to participate in a special musical number of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" with some other missionaries and I think it went well. One of the things he told us though that I loved was that when ever we are in church or a meeting of any kind, if we have a thought or impression that seems like a good idea, write it down! It is probably a formal of personal revelation and we must act on it as soon as we can! And if it's not that personal revelation, then don't worry because it's still a good thing.

Also there was a winter storm that blew through Chicago this week. And it snowed for about four days hahah it was super duper fun for a little Texan Boy haha also they canceled church and school haha

But things are great and getting better everyday! I love yall and I am so grateful for all yalls support!

As always,

Elder Tracy

It snowed a lot
We have been finding all these super long icicles and they are my favorite.
Some cool grafitti
Elder Sharples and I had gone icicle hunting at the church and we weren't disappointed

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