Monday, February 26, 2018

A busy week

Buenos días mis mejores amigos y familiares

This week was super packed it was awesome. We got a lot of work done and we got to meet some pretty awesome people.

To start last sunday, we saw this one family that I had seen once before and so Elder Osorio and i went to go say hi to them and it turns out the were this super less active family that had decided tk come back to church. And it turns out that they are homies and told us to come over on Wednesday and so we did and it was awesome. They have a couple of kids but one of them is 8 and they want him to get baptized and so we started working with all of them for that! They had a good time talking with Elder Osorio too because he is from Guatemala and they are from Honduras and so they are vecinos and it was really fun!

We have been working with a couple of super solid investigators and the are the greatest I love them. We are working with two part member families and a couple of homies. They are starting to progress kinda nicely.

Fun story, the ward apparently has exactly zero people that play the piano. So that leave poor old Elder Tracy to play the piano haha mom you were so right about how I should practice piano more as a kid. But it's going okay. Things are just going I guess. Some of the songs I can only play the top hand but it works out well enough. It's just really funny and sometimes I mess up pretty bad but it's okay haha

This week in my studies and my life I have learned a lot about Repentance. It's an amazing experience and it's so wonderful to me that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us so much that he was willing to give up his only Son for all of us. It's amazing to me that God loves us enough to do that for us. A scripture that I love that I found this week is 1 John 1:7. Yall should look it up sometime. It's a jam. I've also started to read two chapters from the Book of Mormon a day and underline every time Christ is mentioned to see how much it testifies of Christ. It's been an amazing experience. I love yall and I hope yall are having the best day ever! I'm so happy and I'm loving life. Tell me how yall are doing sometime at

As always

Elder Tracy

-We also found a puzzle and no picture with it so we are doing a puzzle in our free time
-Elder Osorio doesn't have a name tag right now and sowe figured something out for the mean time
-Some one got got by the popo
-I found this awesome sign

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