Monday, February 5, 2018

A week full of surprises!


So to start transfers are this week and with that means we waited all day yesterday to receive a transfer call telling where we are going for the next six weeks. But guess what? Elder Osorio and I never got that call so that means we are staying together! In good old Chicago 2nd ward. And it gets even crazier. They are shutting the Hermanas Area that borders ours and that means that we inherit all their investigators and it's gonna be wild. The Hermanas had been working so hard and it's kinda crazy that they are getting shut down but venga lo que venga amiright. Also that only leaves two sets of Elders in our ward. So that's is apparently an insufficient number of people for a district. So we are combining with the Blue island district down south for our district. Now you may be asking yourself, "Blue Island is almost an hour away by car, how do these guys expect to get down there without a car?"  Well I can tell you that the Lord Provides a way. Apparently the  Hermana Training Leaders in another ward will have a car. So every Wednesday for District meeting, we will meet them at a church building, take their car while they are at District meeting and then the four of us will drive down to blue island. Crazy stuff right?

Also Not sure if yall heard but we got the news that our Mission, the Illinois Chicago Mission, that covers mainly downtown and areas around there, will be absorbing most of the Illinois Chicago West Mission which is being shut down. So out mission is expected to double in size and almost quintuple in area. This is expected to occur in July of this year. So pray for us please. I'm gonna attach a picture of the email we got about it. It's gonna be a wild time. We are going to hit the suburbs again. It's gonna be weird. But I'm super excited to see what will happen with that whole thing.

So on Sunday, these two guys come into third hour of church and they just come and sit down in the back. So being the good little missionaries we are, we go and talk to these guys. It turns out that one of them had talked to the other Elders the day before and he decided to bring his friend. It turns out his friend has a wild story with the whole God thing. Apparently one day we was working outside and then Jesus appeared to him and told him to do his work. And so apparently this guy has been trying to go around and do Jesus's work. This apparently includes praying for people rather animatedly and trying to disern what people need in life. He asked for and received permission from Elder Osorio to pray for Elder Osorio. It was a super weird thing. And then he kept asking Elder Osorio if he was in need or the search for a wife. And Elder Osorio just told him dude not yet. We are about 37% sure this guy was high out of his mind. And his friend who brought him seemed like alright and a solid guy. So who knows.

Last thing. I know this is a little long. But. This week for p day, Elders Moser, Branchini, Osorio and I got up early and we went down to the lake and then we watched the sun rise and then we went and hit up the bean and some other fun stuff and then we booled for the day. Super lit day.

But that's about it yall. I hope you enjoyed my email for the week I know it's kina long I'm so sorry. But I love yall and I hope all is well. Shoot me an email soon if yall want I'd love to hear from you. Have a blessed week.

As always,

Elder Tracy

District Photos!
A Candid by the Lake lol
The Lake and I again
Elder Moser and I being the best people we are
Me and the Bean

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