Monday, March 19, 2018

¡Seré Un Abuelo!

Hello my dearest friends and family and everyone else who happens to read this!

This week was pretty awesome if I may say so myself. We had a lot of fun things happen.

To start, this week is transfers so we got our calls to see where we were going. Granted as I have been here in this area for some 6 months, I figured it was about time to leave. And lo and behold, Elder Tracy has been called to the north and I will be serving in Chicago 4th! I am going to be companions with Elder Wright, who came into the mission a transfer after I did, but he has been there for a while. I'm super excited for this change in things! Also Elder Osorio will be training this transfer so my greenie will be training. I'm so proud of him *tear* he will be an awesome trainer. And so my son will have a son so I'm going to be a grandpa!

So a couple of funny things happened to me. So we had a baptism and that was wonderful and all. We had been teaching the 8 year old son of a family coming back into activity in the church! And he got baptized and his old brother was the one who baptized him and it was a super beautiful experience. But we forgot to have his brother unplug the font so it could drain, and so the font was full when it was all said and done. And we had a stick to undo the plug, but it ended up not working at all. So Elder Osorio and I looked at each other and I said I would take the L and get in the font and un plug the drain. So I did that. I got a little wet. There will be a photo attached. Also we had talked tk one of the ward missionaries because he said he wanted to come with us to a cita and we said okay. So we called him tk confirm and at first we was confused who it was and we said we were the missionaries and he got really excited and started talking to us as of we were his grandkids he hadn't seen in like 5 years. It was so funny and it made my heart so happy.

So there was a scripture that became real to me this week. James 2 :26 says  For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. We had made some goals for this week, an we were certain that we were gonna make them reality and needless to say, we were able to achieve them and it was an awesome experience for me to see that God is real and is very involved in our lives and will help us when we ask and then do everything we can. But that it is only through our faith and then our diligent efforts to achieve them, that is when we receive the Divine Intervention that we sought. God is real. I know he is and that he lives. It's comforting to know that God loves us so much that he would give us the opportunity to repent and always try again in life! There's always hope. I'd love to hear from you all anytime! Shoot my an email here at if yall want

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here is me being drenched by the font haha
We found this super awesome view of Downtown on this bridge in our area so we stopped and took pictures.
And when I saw my photo, I thought about how different I looked from then I came in so I compared side by side and here's the difference.

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