Monday, March 26, 2018


Hey everyone! 

This week was wild so get yourselves ready. So to start, on Monday night I had to finish packing and between packing and procrastinating I finally finished a little late and then the next morning the Zone Leaders came and picked me and Elder Osorio up at like 6 am and we went to go wait at the church until others arrived. Eventually the transfer van came down and we were on our way up to Willmette. Crazy times.

But I also received probably one of the coolest kids ever as my companion. Elder Wright. He is a homie and together we are going to blow Chicago 4th out the water. He came out the transfer after me so we are still a little young but we are gonna do some great stuff. We both speak pretty good Spanish so we are on our way. The area that I entered is AMAZING. I won't lie, I spent some 8 months on the south side and I loved it with all my heart, but the North Side is pretty cool too. This place is fun. The members of the ward here are amazing and we have gotten so much food and so many referrals it's amazing. Everything is awesome. Except for the fact that church is like a 5 mile bike ride and apparently the wind here decided to blow at gale force speeds but other than that it's amazing!

We have some way solid investigators and less actives here than we are working with. We will get two baptized here soon and then we are starting to reactivate another less active guy whose family still lives back in Mexico. Way homies out here. 

So as I find myself in this foreign and unique land, much different than my own, I also find myself in a land war. Not with communists, but with the Hermanas or the other set of missionaries in the ward. (Essentially the same thing) It's a story for another time but it's been super fun to see so much go down. It's unique. 

But General Conference is this Weekend! I'm super excited! We also have a temple trip this Thursday and I'm so excited! For those not aware, General Conference is a time where we can hear from the living Prophet and Apostles of God and other general church leaders as they address us about topics they deem fit. We can really find the answers to the questions or doubts or problems or difficulties we may have. I invite all of you to think of a question about God and then watch some of the Conference. See for a ton more info!

As always,
Elder Tracy

Elder Wright and I after a very long bike ride to a members house for lunch. 
This is my homie Alejandro who gave us food the other day. 
We also stopped by this members and they were old and they gave us so much food we had to use 2 bags tk carry it all home. 

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