Monday, March 5, 2018

A Weekly By Numbers

Hello my friends and family!

This was an interesting week to say the least. We had a bunch of fun things happen.First off last, we got to go on exchanges! I love exchanges! They are so much fun because it's an awesome experience to learn and grow and see new ways of doing things. So Elder Morse, my district leader, came over to my area in the east side of our ward and it's the greatest. But Elder Morse is awesome and he taught me so many things about missionary work and it was awesome.

I also love our ward so much! When I first got here, I was a little bummed to find out that it wasn't really the same thing I was used to. It was still a ward and everything, but it was just different. But as I've gotten better at Spanish, I've been able to really come to know and love these people and they are the greatest. The Bishop and his counselors and the rest of the leadership in the Ward is so nice and loving. Chicago 2nd Ward will always have a very special place in my heart.

So when we were on Exchanges, we found ourselves near the house of one of our investigators, and he went in and talked tk him and he was super happy to see us, and he invited us over for the next day for some comidita! So we were pumped and so we come back the next day and we get there and it turns out it was like a birthday party for his niece I think and there may or may not have been alcohol and some sketch people. Needless to say, we bounced the second no one was looking at us so we were probably there for a good three minutes. Haha good times

But we saw a bunch of interesting things this week. So I decided to do it by numbers!
-One crazy conversation overheard about a guy loving books so much
-Two pigeons getting it on
-Three drug deals witnessed
-Four Appointments canceled
-Two nights of exchanges
-2 awesome graffiti (see attached photos)
-1 chicken (see another)
-1 hole in the ground caused by a missionary (Thanks Elder Branchinni)
-Countless Tax Dollars used to fix it (Thanks Elder Branchinni)
-One happy missionary!

I love yall so much and I'm so glad yall took the time to read this email! I hope yall have a great week! I know the Church is true and that God still speaks to us today! We just have to be ready, worthy, and receptive to hear it!

As always,

Elder Tracy

Some of that grafitti
That chicken
Them tax dollars though
The hole though

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