Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day and Miracles

Hello everyone!

This week was amazing! We saw a lot of miracles happen and also a lot of interesting things! But to start, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO EVERYONE I honestly have the best mom and the greatest teacher (who is also my mom just to clear things up) so I'm eternally grateful for her and all she does for me! 

So thing started out good! One of our investigators, Jarwin accepted a baptismal invitation! The gospel is starting to click for him and he likes the changes he see in life! We also found a family of four to start teaching! They are awesome and have a lot of potential! We also found four other new investigators this week, so 7 in total! So we usually get anywhere from 2 or 3 a week, but we got 7 this week! We also have just been busting out butts to get people to church and we have some people that have been coming regularly for about a month or so now so it's awesome! It's been really rainy here recently, but we have been trying to stay outside and either talk to people or knock doors because they are probably inside at that time! So we got two of those new investigators through that! 

I have been really loving my study time as a missionary! My hour of personal study is never ever enough! I always want to keep studying but I never can! It's been really awesome to see my love for the scriptures and the Word of God grown over these last 10 months. It's been crazy. Also on Saturday, I HIT TEN MONTHS WHOOO it's crazy to think that I'm almost a year done I don't want to have to face that reality yet... 

But things are honestly AMAZING right now! I hope that you all have an amazing week! If you want to say hi, please feel free to at! I can read emails all week, but can only respond on Mondays! 

As always, 

Elder Tracy

Me and my family Skyping! 
We found a very sad statue 
Good door knocking days

Last p day adventures in the Zone Leader Van x2(we fit 8 bikes on that bike rack) 

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