Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Things are heating up!

Hello all friends and family!

This week was a lot of cool tuigns that happened! 

We went on exchanges this week! I was with Elder Sharples in Chicago 3rd for a day and it was an experience! A lot of interesting things happened and a lot of cool members were met! It was a great time! 

We also spent a lot of time finding this week because we had the time and so why not? Something I've noticed on my mission is that a lot of the great and funny stories happen when you're out tracting. For example we met these two super drunk guys and we just got talking to them and they were really funny and they were telling us about fishing stories and war tales it was a very interesting 25 minutes haha

The other ward that borders ours and the missionaries in that are in that ward had an activity on Saturday in the park and they were trying to get people to learn about the Book of Mormon! It was a park that was literally about 2 blocks from our area so we decided to hop over and help for a bit. It was fun and we actually found a group of guys that were interested so we have some solid referrals now. Missionary work is awesome! 

We had a ward party yesterday for Memorial Day and as missionaries we were invited and we invited literally everyone we know and it was awesome! There was soccer, food, friends, family, water, piñatas, cakes, faces in cakes, singing and dancing to name a few things. I'm telling you all, Mexicans know hot to party it is so much fun. A very hot day in the sun but a very good time.

Things are going super duper awesome for me! Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and love and support. Yall rock¡ Que tengais una buena semana! 

As always, 

Elder Tracy 

We found a really smooth street
Jesus is the light of the world... And this car
Our investigator has amazing fair and we finally got a picture
Here is us are the Activity at the park! 
And here we are at the ward party! Having a blast! 

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