Monday, May 7, 2018

The difference between 'ñ' and 'n'

Hey everyone!

This was a pretty fun week so here we go¡

We had a pretty solid week, we found another family to teach and so that always fun! But they're from Puerto Rico so that's a little harder because there are hard to understand haha but all is the work of the lord amiright? But things are good. We have a bunch of people to teach and sometimes it's hard to balance it all but it's Def a good problem to have. 

So I had some interesting moments while teaching investigators hahah For instance, we were teaching this one family about the word of wisdom and we were talking about how through fasting and prayer, we can get the help we need tk overcome the temptation to drink and smoke etc. The mom in the family, Carla, she asked if we fasted everyday, and we explained that we can fast whenever we want to, but that we all fast as a church on Fast Sunday. I was trying to explain that we only do that 12 times a year (por año) but what I said was 12 times an anus (por ano) it was really funny hahaha

We also went and stopped by this one guy we hadn't seen in a while and we knock and his Grandson opens the door and we ask if Mario is home, he says hold on. He comes back and he says, My Grandpa said to tell you that he isn't home, but he is. So needless to say, we got to get in and teach him hahah

Things here in Chicago 4th could never be better. We have some good work to do, we have a good ward, Elder Wright and I are always getting along and having a blast, my studies are always the best and honestly way too short. Things are just awesome.

I love you all and I hope you have a great semana, if you want hit me up, you all know where to find me! 

As always, 

Elder Tracy 

We didn't take many this week, but we were cooking something and it said it needed to be covered. And we didn't have a lid, so we made do with what we have haha

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