Monday, May 21, 2018

Swearing Drive Bys, Great Lessons and 19 years later

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic week! I certainly did! But, here is my usual weekly report! (She's lengthy, so if you don't want to read it it's cool, but if you do then you'll find a lot of great stories, memories and tender mission moments that are exclusively found here in this email) 

One day, we were out here doing some stop bys of some former investigators, seeing if they were home and if we could stop by. And as we were walking to this one house, a white guy in a sketchy van pulls up and is like Hey do you all know a guy named Jesus? Obviously we do. He says I do too, but he doesn't speak much English! (haha very good Dad Joke) and then he kept telling us to be safe and stuff very interesting. But as he pulls away, we keep walking on our way, and the car behind him has these two teenage guys and they roll down the windows and yell some very colorful greetings, and then say they love us haha

We also had an amazing lesson with some of our investigators on date. They essentially were trying to drop us and say that they weren't ready. But we were able to convince them otherwise and we pushed the date back two weeks and they felt better about it. But the convincing process was filled with honesty, heart felt statement, testimonies and tears. It was very very memorable. 

We also had a Get to Know You Party in our Elders Quorum. Essentially everyone already knew each other, but Hispanics can find any many reasons to party and eat a bunch of food, and I like that. But we had chicken, steak, hot dogs, salsa, many awesome foods and most importantly, Soccer. Some minds were lost haha I was also forced to eat a corn on the cob (in case you all didn't know, I HATE corn. Like so much) 

 It was also my Birthday this week! On Sunday! I'm finally 19! Some of the little kids found out and they made me some gifts out of Tithing Envelopes. We also had an appointment with one of the homies in the ward and they made us some amazing food. Overall, a very chill birthday with no cakes in my face (another Mexican Tradition) 

So last week, we met this kid names Marcos and he knows the Bible about as well as his very existence. We were like cool let's get him on the Book of Mormon! So we left him one and we had a return appointment. In a week he read Alma, Mormon and Moroni (for my non mormon friends, that's a feat) and he essentially just told us that the Bible and the Book of Mormon don't agree. He was essentially trying to get us to see the flaws in the doctrine that it presented and it was a very discouraging experience. But we came home and we started looking in the Bible and in the book of mormon and we started finding all the flaws in his arguments and Elder Wright and I both had our testimonies strengthened by this. We were able to see for our selves the doctrines outlined in the Bible and Book of Mormon such as The Plan of Salvation, Faith V Works, and many others. I know this church is true and God has made his will manifest through this church. 

I hope you all make it this far, if you do, you're the best! 

As always, 

Elder Tracy

One Elder in our ward likes Spinach a lot, so we found him some more food on the sidewalk oneday
Two pictures of me with corn:before eating and after 

Finally me with the kids that made my birthday a little more awesome

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