Monday, June 25, 2018

The Day of Miracles Has Not Ceased

Hello hello hello I hope everything is good for yall!

So this was an awesome week. So this week has been one that has been a change in my whole mission. We have been pushing really hard this thing called the Elite Missionary Mindset and the Zone Leaders have been teaching us this in all of our Meetings and such its been awesome. I really like it. It really focusing us on the Christ like attributes in Chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel. We are focused on becoming good missionaries who have hope and faith for a better world.

So this week we have been trying super hard to get people to come to church. We had been inviting literally everyone to come to church. By Friday we had a few people who said they would come to church with us so that was awesome. But on Sunday morning before church everyone had canceled on us. We biked to the church early to make some more phone calls. No one answered really, so we decided to hit the streets and see if we could convince people tk come with us. There's an English Ward after us too so we were inviting other people to the English ward and ours just to try and get someone. After no success, we planned to hit the streets again until the end of the English ward two hours our church ti try and get people there because we were gonna get someone. We are sitting in Sacrament Meeting and I'm looking around and there is this one family that we eat with a lot and there is some one sitting there that I don't know! So Elder Tibbitts and I ran over and started talking to them and it was a friend of this member and she is super interested in learning about the Church! We saw God's hand yesterday. It really showed me that as we work as hard as we can that we can do the things that God has commanded and that he will always provide a way for us! He can still work milagros among the children of men. Wow God is good.

We have been having th time of our lives just working and praying as hard as we can. Elder Tibbitts has helped me become a better missionary in the last week already. So grateful for him. This was a week that I will always remember. Thanks for all the love and support! Let me know how you all are at!

As always,

Elder Tracy

These little Hispanic people are my favorite old people they are very happy people but they didn't want to smile
We had "fun" Contacting haha
Downtown is pretty cool
Elder and Sister Bingham are also my favorite old people and they will finish their mission here soon so sad

Monday, June 18, 2018

Emergency Transfers and Wild Rides

Hello Everyone! I hope that everything si going well for you all where ever you all may be. This was probably one of the wildest weeks of my life. My goodness.

So to start things off. We were biking to District Meeting on Wednesday morning and I was leading that day and I had gotten a little ahesd of Elder Wright. I make it through a major intersection and I don't see him. As I'm waiting a lady rolls down her window and is like there's a guy dressed like you that just got run over by a car! And so I freak out and start hauling back down this road. I find him and I get over there and I found out what happened. He was biking down the bike lane and there was a lot of traffic so there was a líen of cars in the lane next to him. And this lady coming the other way tried to turn across traffic to enter a parking lot. But she did so quickly and pulled out right in front of Elder Wright and he didn't have any time to react and hit this car at light speed. He hit his shoulder really hard and his bike was destroyed. We call a Senor missionary and he come to pick us up. We call President and he tells us what to do. We go to the Doctor and they tell us that his collar bone and his shoulder have separated. So we need to see an orthopedic surgeon to see what's up. So Wednesday and thrusday we laid low and let Elder Wright rest because he was In a lot of pain. We then had a really nice member pick us up and take us to eat while Elder Wright was down.

On Friday we actually went to the surgeon. He told us he wouldn't need surgery and he should get better within a two month period. We got to go out and do some stuff and it was fun! Contacting was a little hard but fun. We then get a text from President asking if we can Skype. We say yes and we find out that Elder Wright was going to be Emergency transfered to Westchester and that I would be receiving Elder Tibbitts from there. So on Saturday we got Elder Wright packed up and we were off! Elder Tibbitts came up and moved in :) and Elder Wright was gone :( It was hard to see him go. We had some really good times. But Elder Tibbitts has been out about 4 months or so now and he has an awesome desire to work and so we will see what time brings! In really excited to see what we can do.

It's just been a very hectic week and its been very busy and stressful. But it's been really fun. I had a really good week. God loves us all and he wants us to be happy! I know it and so can you! I hope yall have a fantastic week and that everything goes smoothly! Let me know how you're doing at!

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here's Elder Wrights bike that got got.
Us waiting st the doctors office for the first time.
And I never burned a tie at six months like I was supposed to, so I finally got around to it just before Elder Wright left.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Exchanges and Changes?

Hey Everybody from where ever you are!

Thjs was a super fun week! There was a lot that happened haha so let's see if we can remember it all real quick like.

Yall so last p day was awesome! The Elders in Chi 4 we all biked down to Navy Pier! It was a good 11 miles or so there and so it was far but fun! We took pictures, hit chic fila and the Nike Store and almost died in traffic about three times haha it was awesome.

So also I got to go on exchanges for a day with my district leader Elder Anderson! It was really fun too! We got some good work in and we also had a run in with the police! We were walking up Laramie and we saw this dude just laying on the ground and he had some dried blood on his face. So Elder Anderson and I decided to call 911 and see what to do. We ended up flagging down a cop car and they talked tk us for a sec and then a fire truck and a ambulance showed up and picked the guy up and then we walked away haha it was wild. He had apparently been wildly drunk so that was good that we helped him haha. Fun time

On Sunday after church, we get out to our bikes and we both have flats haha so we pump them and just try and see how far we could get. And I get about a half mile down the road and it gives out and I can't pump it. Elder Wright was  in front and he was gone haha I just started walking and hoped he got back to be some time. I made it about another half mile before he came back. The Zone Leaders came and rescued us and turns out the tube in my bike is shot! I gotta go buy another one here soon haha.

It was a really good week to be a missionary! Also we got transfer calls and I and staying with Elder Wright! And I am also district leader for this transfer! So I'm really excited about all this and for another transfer with ym buddy Elder Wright!

Futhermore,  again, the mission office adress is changing here this week! The new adress will be
Illinois Chicago Mission
1319 Butterfield Road, #522
Downers Grove, IL 60515-5621

As always,

Elder Tracy


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Pizza Rolls and Zone Conference

Hello Everyone!

How was yalls week? I hope everything is going well. We'll this week was super interesting kinda.

We honestly have been going finding all the time. It's been really fun. We have really found a new love for knocking doors and talking to people randomly. It's super fun. We also are an interesting sight to the Mexican people here: two sweaty white guys dressed up all the time in shirts and ties, speaking Spanish to them like it's nothing it's really fun. So we were knocking a couple doors last night and we met these like 4 little kids probably like ages 5-8 and they were awesome. There was this one little kid who was like 5 and he was hilarious. We talked to him for like 10 minutes. He was killing me. For example, here is a part of our conversation
Kid: where does your live house?
Elder Wright: we live a couple streets over
Kid: (to me) where does your house live?
Me: I actually live with bin
Kid: (pauses for about three seconds) do you have a kid?
Also his favorite food is "Pizza woah-luz" and he wanted us to "come quickly, theywes somesing in the twee" very good day.

We also had Zone Conference this week and it was amazing. President Bingham is a wizard and he really taught us a lot of important things. One thing in particular I lived was the Importance of the Sacrament everyweek. It really blew my mind and it touched my heart the way he presented it. It is something I will never forget and really touched my heart.

So but on a little sadder note, some of our investigators, the Golden ones, they are really struggling. They were doing so well, they we taught them the word of wisdom and then it all kinda tanked. They haven't been to church in two weeks, we lost contact for about 5 days, we assumed something happened. Turns out they are having some serious issues with their family and it's really stressful for them. It hurt my heart. But we shared D&C 121 7-9 with her and it was really comforting. I was humbled deeply again on my mission so see that there are people with families that struggle, and aren't super strong. It's really hard to see, but it always reminds me how blessed I really am.

I hope everything is going good for yall.

As always,

Elder Tracy

The Mission Office adress is changing this month, the new adress will be as of June 15. Please send things accordingly.
Illinois Chicago Mission
1319 Butterfield Road, #522
Downers Grove, IL 60515-5621

I've taken TexMex to a whole new level.
There was a sale on junk food one day so we may have given in.