Monday, June 25, 2018

The Day of Miracles Has Not Ceased

Hello hello hello I hope everything is good for yall!

So this was an awesome week. So this week has been one that has been a change in my whole mission. We have been pushing really hard this thing called the Elite Missionary Mindset and the Zone Leaders have been teaching us this in all of our Meetings and such its been awesome. I really like it. It really focusing us on the Christ like attributes in Chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel. We are focused on becoming good missionaries who have hope and faith for a better world.

So this week we have been trying super hard to get people to come to church. We had been inviting literally everyone to come to church. By Friday we had a few people who said they would come to church with us so that was awesome. But on Sunday morning before church everyone had canceled on us. We biked to the church early to make some more phone calls. No one answered really, so we decided to hit the streets and see if we could convince people tk come with us. There's an English Ward after us too so we were inviting other people to the English ward and ours just to try and get someone. After no success, we planned to hit the streets again until the end of the English ward two hours our church ti try and get people there because we were gonna get someone. We are sitting in Sacrament Meeting and I'm looking around and there is this one family that we eat with a lot and there is some one sitting there that I don't know! So Elder Tibbitts and I ran over and started talking to them and it was a friend of this member and she is super interested in learning about the Church! We saw God's hand yesterday. It really showed me that as we work as hard as we can that we can do the things that God has commanded and that he will always provide a way for us! He can still work milagros among the children of men. Wow God is good.

We have been having th time of our lives just working and praying as hard as we can. Elder Tibbitts has helped me become a better missionary in the last week already. So grateful for him. This was a week that I will always remember. Thanks for all the love and support! Let me know how you all are at!

As always,

Elder Tracy

These little Hispanic people are my favorite old people they are very happy people but they didn't want to smile
We had "fun" Contacting haha
Downtown is pretty cool
Elder and Sister Bingham are also my favorite old people and they will finish their mission here soon so sad

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