Monday, June 18, 2018

Emergency Transfers and Wild Rides

Hello Everyone! I hope that everything si going well for you all where ever you all may be. This was probably one of the wildest weeks of my life. My goodness.

So to start things off. We were biking to District Meeting on Wednesday morning and I was leading that day and I had gotten a little ahesd of Elder Wright. I make it through a major intersection and I don't see him. As I'm waiting a lady rolls down her window and is like there's a guy dressed like you that just got run over by a car! And so I freak out and start hauling back down this road. I find him and I get over there and I found out what happened. He was biking down the bike lane and there was a lot of traffic so there was a líen of cars in the lane next to him. And this lady coming the other way tried to turn across traffic to enter a parking lot. But she did so quickly and pulled out right in front of Elder Wright and he didn't have any time to react and hit this car at light speed. He hit his shoulder really hard and his bike was destroyed. We call a Senor missionary and he come to pick us up. We call President and he tells us what to do. We go to the Doctor and they tell us that his collar bone and his shoulder have separated. So we need to see an orthopedic surgeon to see what's up. So Wednesday and thrusday we laid low and let Elder Wright rest because he was In a lot of pain. We then had a really nice member pick us up and take us to eat while Elder Wright was down.

On Friday we actually went to the surgeon. He told us he wouldn't need surgery and he should get better within a two month period. We got to go out and do some stuff and it was fun! Contacting was a little hard but fun. We then get a text from President asking if we can Skype. We say yes and we find out that Elder Wright was going to be Emergency transfered to Westchester and that I would be receiving Elder Tibbitts from there. So on Saturday we got Elder Wright packed up and we were off! Elder Tibbitts came up and moved in :) and Elder Wright was gone :( It was hard to see him go. We had some really good times. But Elder Tibbitts has been out about 4 months or so now and he has an awesome desire to work and so we will see what time brings! In really excited to see what we can do.

It's just been a very hectic week and its been very busy and stressful. But it's been really fun. I had a really good week. God loves us all and he wants us to be happy! I know it and so can you! I hope yall have a fantastic week and that everything goes smoothly! Let me know how you're doing at!

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here's Elder Wrights bike that got got.
Us waiting st the doctors office for the first time.
And I never burned a tie at six months like I was supposed to, so I finally got around to it just before Elder Wright left.

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