Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Pizza Rolls and Zone Conference

Hello Everyone!

How was yalls week? I hope everything is going well. We'll this week was super interesting kinda.

We honestly have been going finding all the time. It's been really fun. We have really found a new love for knocking doors and talking to people randomly. It's super fun. We also are an interesting sight to the Mexican people here: two sweaty white guys dressed up all the time in shirts and ties, speaking Spanish to them like it's nothing it's really fun. So we were knocking a couple doors last night and we met these like 4 little kids probably like ages 5-8 and they were awesome. There was this one little kid who was like 5 and he was hilarious. We talked to him for like 10 minutes. He was killing me. For example, here is a part of our conversation
Kid: where does your live house?
Elder Wright: we live a couple streets over
Kid: (to me) where does your house live?
Me: I actually live with bin
Kid: (pauses for about three seconds) do you have a kid?
Also his favorite food is "Pizza woah-luz" and he wanted us to "come quickly, theywes somesing in the twee" very good day.

We also had Zone Conference this week and it was amazing. President Bingham is a wizard and he really taught us a lot of important things. One thing in particular I lived was the Importance of the Sacrament everyweek. It really blew my mind and it touched my heart the way he presented it. It is something I will never forget and really touched my heart.

So but on a little sadder note, some of our investigators, the Golden ones, they are really struggling. They were doing so well, they we taught them the word of wisdom and then it all kinda tanked. They haven't been to church in two weeks, we lost contact for about 5 days, we assumed something happened. Turns out they are having some serious issues with their family and it's really stressful for them. It hurt my heart. But we shared D&C 121 7-9 with her and it was really comforting. I was humbled deeply again on my mission so see that there are people with families that struggle, and aren't super strong. It's really hard to see, but it always reminds me how blessed I really am.

I hope everything is going good for yall.

As always,

Elder Tracy

The Mission Office adress is changing this month, the new adress will be as of June 15. Please send things accordingly.
Illinois Chicago Mission
1319 Butterfield Road, #522
Downers Grove, IL 60515-5621

I've taken TexMex to a whole new level.
There was a sale on junk food one day so we may have given in.

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