Monday, June 11, 2018

Exchanges and Changes?

Hey Everybody from where ever you are!

Thjs was a super fun week! There was a lot that happened haha so let's see if we can remember it all real quick like.

Yall so last p day was awesome! The Elders in Chi 4 we all biked down to Navy Pier! It was a good 11 miles or so there and so it was far but fun! We took pictures, hit chic fila and the Nike Store and almost died in traffic about three times haha it was awesome.

So also I got to go on exchanges for a day with my district leader Elder Anderson! It was really fun too! We got some good work in and we also had a run in with the police! We were walking up Laramie and we saw this dude just laying on the ground and he had some dried blood on his face. So Elder Anderson and I decided to call 911 and see what to do. We ended up flagging down a cop car and they talked tk us for a sec and then a fire truck and a ambulance showed up and picked the guy up and then we walked away haha it was wild. He had apparently been wildly drunk so that was good that we helped him haha. Fun time

On Sunday after church, we get out to our bikes and we both have flats haha so we pump them and just try and see how far we could get. And I get about a half mile down the road and it gives out and I can't pump it. Elder Wright was  in front and he was gone haha I just started walking and hoped he got back to be some time. I made it about another half mile before he came back. The Zone Leaders came and rescued us and turns out the tube in my bike is shot! I gotta go buy another one here soon haha.

It was a really good week to be a missionary! Also we got transfer calls and I and staying with Elder Wright! And I am also district leader for this transfer! So I'm really excited about all this and for another transfer with ym buddy Elder Wright!

Futhermore,  again, the mission office adress is changing here this week! The new adress will be
Illinois Chicago Mission
1319 Butterfield Road, #522
Downers Grove, IL 60515-5621

As always,

Elder Tracy


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