Monday, July 9, 2018

America Day

Hey Everyone

This week was awesome! We got a lot of good stuff done this week! To start we have been going finding a lot more and having some good times doing so! I have been having a blast taking to people and sharing this Restored Gospel and the good news that it brings!

With the 4th of July, you would all think that we would have had an amazing time with members and things. However, everything we had planned kinda fell apart and we ended up just going finding and talking to a bunch of people and having a really good time doing that. We also witnessed some crazy fireworks this week because something I've learned with Hispanics is that they live to love fireworks. It was a war zone outside our home and it was awesome there was so much pops and explosions and lights and it was amazing. 10/10 would recommend.

We also went on exchanges this week with Elder Sharples and Elder Fitzgerald in Chicago 3rd it was super fun! I went Street Contacting and we had a nuch of success and it was awesome. We also found this little ice cream shop and they sold amazing little Paletas and it was amazing. We also found some cool graffiti and also some cool rooftop pictures on the sky and the sun set so worth!

We also met some homie little kids this week and they are amazing and hilarious and so we naturally had to take some pictures with them.

So but things are going well. We are having success and we are seeing miracles. I've been really diving into my studies and I've been learning a lot about the the life of Jesus Christ and all that he has done for us! I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me.

Well I hope everything is going well for yall! Hit me up at if you have any questions!

As always,

Elder Tracy


Elder Tibbitts and I
Jesus N Elder Tracy
The homies

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