Monday, July 16, 2018

Hot week, miracle week

Hello everyone!

I hope yall had a great week because I know I did! That's the great thing about missions! Everyweek is awesome!

We started teaching the best friend of one of the daughters of one of the homies in the ward and she really likes it all! She's been coming to chruch and we are really excited for her! We also saw a miracle this week! We've been working with this one less active family for a while now and they are super down to come back to church! They are awesome. And the other day we were knocking doors and this one lady opens the door and she's super excited to see us and let's us in and we get talking and it turns out that her former fellowship es were that less active family! So we killed two bird with one stone and we got them both out to church this week! It was amazing!

We also tried to stop by one of the people we are teaching, and we get to her street and they are having this massive block party! So we stop by and it turns out that some random kid on the block got hurt and she was helping her get better or something so we just saw her for a second but we talked to her 10 yesr old kid for a while and now we are homies.

This week was also ZONE CONFERENCE! I always love zone conference. It's awesome. We talked a lot about how tk receive personal revelation from God about what we could do and how that revelation is avaliable to everyone, all we have to do is ask, and we will receive. We also had some fun object lessons with the Zone Leaders about unity and fixing bikes. It's hard to explain, but it really made an impact because of what is happening in the mission with the mission merge and the big shuffle thats going to happen here in a week or so. Essentially, everyone is going to be changed. Half the mission is going west, and half of the former west mission is coming in to replace them. We don't know what's going to happen really. Should be good.

We also one day were walking and there are these guys that walk around the streets of Chicago and they are called Paleta men and they are like a walking ice cream truck. Anyway, we got talking and we were able to get some Popsicles for cheap because he was a homie. And they were good Popsicles. It was nice on a hot summer Chicago day. (which are very hot in case you can't tell)

But yeah, we had an awesome week! Elder Tibbitts is awesome and we are having a blast teaching, preaching and working as missionaries do! If you have any questions or anything, let me know at God is real and the church is true!

As always

Elder Tracy

The homies at the beginning and a year in
Yall want a little pot?
Me and Elder Morse at out last zone conference together
7/11 on 7/11
We also found some police cars out side our house!

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