Monday, July 23, 2018


Hello everyone! This week was awesome but I don't really remember a whole lot of what happened, but we had fun!

Elder Tibbitts and I have just been working super hard and having a blast as always! We are best buds and it's been really fun! I've really been enjoying me time as District Leader! I've really liked giving district meetings and helping and seeing everyone grow as missionaries! It's been great!

We had exchanged this week! It was really fun! Elder Leal, my Zone Leader, came over to my area and we had a Greta time! We went and played soccer in the morning, we actually ended up resting for a little while because I wasn't feeling well, and then we went and hit the streets and had some fun lessons and one of our investigators fed us Cow Stomach. It was very chewy and kinda nasty. and when she wasn't looking I got rid of it all. I'm a genius.

But we also got transfer calls! For those of you who don't know, my mission merged with the one next to it! So the Illinois Chicago Mission is now one mission! We used to cover just the city and the northern and southern suburbs, but now we go really far out! It's really cool! But we had the calls and (drumroll please) and I'm going to the Arlington Heights area to be district leader again! My companion will be Elder Fry who I hear is a great guy and better missionary! I'm really pumped about it! So Elder Tracy is going west!

This morning for Preperarion day we all decided to wake up super duper early and all bike down town at like 4 am so we could go watch the sun rise and it was awesome! I definitely would recommend! It was a great way to spend the last morning with all the friends I've made in the mission here! I'm sad to leave, but I'm more excited to see what I can do out in Arlington Heights!

As always,

Elder Tracy

Some homie kids in the ward
The Reyes Familia they are the best
Exchanges with Elder Leal!
The Sun Rise!

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