Monday, July 2, 2018

The Miracles Just Keep on Coming

Hey Everyone! I hope you had a fantastic week because I know I did!

So we saw some miracles and we also had some deeply humbling moments this week. So to start, we went downtown to Pday and it was awesome. We went to Fogo de Chão because Elder Morse is finishing his mission and Elder English went into the West Mission. So there was about ten of us that were there and we had a super good time consuming out body weight in meat. We then went and went biking everywhere downtown. We biked along the lake shore trail and got some really cool videos and pictures which I'll try to send. It was a super fun time.

We had a Family Home Evening with some less actives this week. We went over and we were talking and they had brought two friends who were interested in the gospel! We were really suprised and excited to see some new people to teach! It was awesome. Miracle Count: 1 We also had some good PNI appointments that came to fruition and we found some more new investigators out of that! We even found a family, but we were only able tk tech the oldest son. But still, awesome time! Miracle Count: 2 and we also did a random Stop by to this one super less active family in our ward boundaries and we knocked and randomly they let us in! When I was with Elder Wright, we had knocked that door like 5 or 6 times but no one answered. We had a really discussion with them about the importance of Coming to church and they said they needed tk and it was an amazing experience. Miracle Count: 3 right after that, we stopped by this one investigator we have and we said hi and then her mom sat down and started asking us things and questions, and it was really awesome because she was so interested all the sudden! Miracle Count :4

On Wednesday, we were out knocking doors and a few houses down we saw this one man who was just sitting on his porch. I felt the strongest urge that we needed to go talk to him. I pushed it aside for a second, but it came back again: Speak to this man. So I told Elder Tibbitts and we went over and talked to him. It turns out this man was about 95% Deaf and literally could not hear us. So we "talked" and then we just said bye and left. I was wondering about it for the next day or so. Why did I have such a strong impression to talk tk him if he couldn't hear or accept our message. But then, the next day, Elder Tibbitts said that he was thinking about it and he said that it wasn't so much the fact that he was dead, it was the fact that I was so willing to listen to the Spirit and that it was probably a test to see how willing I was to listen, to see if God would and could trust me. It changed my whole out look on life honestly. It made me seem far more aware of what God says to me and how I need to listen harder and then act as well.

Sorry this is a little more lengthy, but it was an important week. I hope you all enjoy you week and that you find a way to brighten someone else's day! Go do that for me! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church of God here upon the earth. Anyone interested in learning why, should look at or just email me back at

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here is the lake shore trail view of Chicago
I'm riding a bike
Here is the view of chicago as we left it
Fogo de Chão with my man Elder English

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