Monday, August 6, 2018

7 people and the Neverending Tale of Blanca

Hello everyone! This was another AH-MAZING week for us out here in Arlington Heights!

To start we had exchanges which are always awesome! But it was with Elder English! My homie! We switched Tuesday night and I got to bool the whole day with Elder English Wednesday! We had a grand time and we also got to I d some cool lady outside her house who was really interested in the gospel and she's cool her name is Blanca.

Oh BTW last p day was awesome! We went mini golfing and it was super lit we had a blast they have this special deal on Mondays where we went and you get two for one. So as a companionship we paid 6 dollars and it was awesome. And Elder Tracy (me) won so they all owe me three dollars haha and with the two hole in one's I got, it's pretty hard to beat me!

So but we stopped by Blanca a few days later and it turns out that she straight up left her family. Like they don't know where she is and she won't answer their calls or anything. But her son, Marco, opened the door and opened up to us and we just were talking tk him for a while and he said he wants to change and become better and draw closer to christ because he need some more support. So its a sad situation but we know the gospel certainly helps people.

We also have been slaving away trying to get people to come to chruch  and we got some people this week to come! 7 to be exact! It was amazing! I had never felt so accomplished! Even one of our investigators got up and bore her testimony in Sacrament! It was awesome! Ive also started playing the piano in Sacrament because there's no one else so it's been fun haha but now everyone needs me to help in primary and choirs and stuff so it's a little stressful but I like it so it's okay.

Sorry this is a really long email, but one more thing! The story of Blancas Familia continues! We were on splits yesterday, I was with Elder Yount for some leadership meeting and Elder Bridge and Elder Fry (our companions) went and worker our area for a little bit. They decided to stop by Marco and they found his Dad! He opened up to these elders and they just talked about it all and how he's struggling and he really was in a low place but he thinks the gospel can help him and we know so too! It's going to be awesome to teach them all tonight!

Sorry this was a longer one but so many wonderful things are happenjng in our area and I'm so excited about it all! Just a thought for you all, some people are asking me how I can still be so happy facing rejection, or difficult times, or whatever it may be. And I don't have a great answer for it. But I just know how much the Savior loves me, and if he loves me, what else matters? Every door slammed, rude comment, or flat out rejection makes me happier for some reason! The love of God extends to us all! It helps me be happy and it can help you too! See Romans 8:35-39 if you're curious. Actually do it! It's a great one.

If you all have questions, hit me up at or letters to
Elder Seth Tracy
1803 W Golf Rd apt #96
Mount Prospect, IL 60056

As always,

Elder Tracy

Exchanges with the boy
We took a selfie with some ducks but it was really bright haha
I relate to this truck on a spiritual level
We found some awesome graffiti and had tk stop haha

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