Monday, August 13, 2018


Hello Everyone! How are you all doing?

This was a good week for us! We saw a lot of success and some miracles tk go along with it!

So to start, we had Zone Conference this week! And since this is my first car area, we have to clean out our cars, and make sure they are vacuumed and clean! So we kinda forgot about it until the last minute and very hurriedly and effectively cleaned out our car and we found this 3 dollar car wash on the way to the church so we got blessed and out car looked good! But Zone Conference was intense! We learned a lot of things. We learned about how we can just be better missionaries and also what we can do to be better! President Bingham is a straight Wizard I'm telling you all: we are sitting there and he just says, do you want to know what's been holdijg you all back? We all said yes, and he said that he had been pondering it for some time and we went to the Lord in prayer and he told him exactly what we needed. And then President layer out this list of things and it was intense because it like really revelation directly from God for our specific group! It was wild!

We were out one night at about 8 o clock and we had had a rougher day, a bunch of appointments had fallen through so we were kinda upset, but it was later and darker so we decided to go to do some stop bys of some people in our area. We talked to some guys but no one was really having it. We decided tk hit one more house and we ring the doorbell and no one answers, so we decide to call the number of this guy in there from months ago. And we we call him, the door opens and this dude leaves and his phone is ringing! So we are like hey are you Pablo? It was Pablo! So we get talking with him and he's had a rough life but we have been telling him about how we can find peace in Christ and stuff and it's been an amazing experience trying to teach him! It's been wild honestly.

But we also have this one couple who are trying to get ready for baptism here soon! German and Lorena are awesome! They feed us every Wednesday and Saturday and they are so ready, they just need to be officially married in order for everything to work out and they can keep going in their eternal progression! We are really excited!

This Sunday we went to this members house and they taught us how to make papusas!!! It's this food from El Salvador and it's the best and it's pretty easy to make. But it was really fun and we are now super tight with this family! The Padilla Familia are the homies. I'll attach pictures.

Sorry this week wasn't super interesting for a weekly letter! We also don't have very many pictures this week, so sorry! But it's been awesome! If you all have any questions for me abitu anything at all, let me know at and we can talk!

As always,

Elder Tracy

Elder Fry and I forgot to take pictures this week so we took a selfie to make up for it
The Papusas! Sorry I look so weird in one I didn't know he was taking pictures haha

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