Monday, August 20, 2018

Biking and blessings

Hello one and all!

This week was good! We had a lot of great things happen to us!

To start, we were over IN Des Plaines and we decided to stop by this one member randomly and see how he was doing. It turns out that's he was this less active guy wanting to come back to chruch! His mname is Wilbur and he's from El Salvador! And we get talking with him and his brother in law for a while and we had some really good conversations about life and about the gospel and ti was a great time! We also told them that we learned how to make papusas (which are from el Salvador) and they didn't believe us so we told them we'd make some for them and bring them on Thursday. So ion Thursday, we made some papusas and man, they were bad hahahahah it was really fun though! So we brought them to these papusas and they ate them gladly so that was good. So we are working on them haha

We also were walking yesterday through this trailer park and there was about a billion families having food and like parties outside and so we were walking past one and they called us over to eat (I love Mexicans) and we ate some good tacos and we had some good talking with some of the people there! We shared a video about Jesus Christ and they all really liked it!

Also yesterday was stake conference and so we were driving down to Schaumburg and as we are driving we pull alongside our mission president! And so we waved to him and his family and then we smoked him off the line and we kinda ran a sketchy yellow light in front of him. But he caught up to us and gave us a thumbs up so it was all good hahaha we also got interviewed by him before conference and I was worried the whole time that he was gonna call me out on it but he didn't so I dodged a bullet. But Elder S. GIFFORD NIELSON OF THE 7P CAME TO VISIT US HERE IN ILLINOIS. Hes from Houston and so afterward I went to say hi and that I'm from Houston! It was awesome!

Also this week for District meeting was awesome! We had a really good discussion about how everything is going and we also played a game! It's called "Read a bunch of Scripture References and see what they Have In Common" it was a game of my creation and it went well. It was about contention and how we can avoid It as missionaries: between our companions, other missionaries, our leaders, whatever it may be. It was good especially because we've been fighting it for a while now... But things are all better now! I'm loving being District Leader!

BUT the other day we decided to ride bikes around our local area to try and save miles (because as missionaries we are only allotted a certain amount of miles) and it was AWESOME it was great to be back in my bike I was just smiling the whole time! I was just pumped I like even jumped at one time! It was just words can describe it haha!

But things here are awesome! We have things really going for us! I love yall and we will be in contact here soon!

As always,

Elder Tracy

District Meeting with the Homies
Elder English and I haha
Zone Conference from last week! Try to find me!
We forgot to take pictures biking so we grabbed one today!
I found a street named after me!
Papusa making!!!

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